Lethal Queen Bee (Embassy Academy #2) - Emily Kazmierski Page 0,96

to its efficacy as a career path.” It’s obviously a reference to Cal’s art, and my brother grumbles under his breath.

“I want to be a chef!” Adrienne chimes in, making me laugh.

“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” Cal says with half a smile.

“I just want you to be proud of me,” I say in a low voice, studying Daddy’s face.

His mouth curves up in a smile. “I’m proud of all three of my children. An artist, a chef, and a politician. I’ve got a designer, caterer, and speech editor built into my little family. What more could I ask for?”

All three of us groan good-naturedly at his feeble joke.

The laugh lines around Daddy’s mouth tighten. “But about that tin of drugs…”

I swallow, not sure what he’s going to say. “Actually,” I interrupt. “I have an idea about how to handle that.”

We’re gathered in the foyer of the academy. Adrienne, Cal, Ricardo, Genevieve, and Gul. Mikhail stands a few feet away, ready to step outside when we give the signal. Daddy fired Bodyguard Steve for leaving me unattended long enough to be pushed off the academy roof, and is already looking for a replacement.

Through the heavy wooden doors comes the low murmur of the press setting up cameras and microphones. Warming up their voices. Practicing the phrasing of the questions they’ll inevitably lob in my direction once Ms. Cain opens the floor for questions.

Gul meets my look, her expression guarded. Grady never woke up after our fall, and it’s been hard for her, knowing that he tried to kill her while simultaneously dating her. The wary expression she turns toward Ricardo and Mikhail when they’re being sweet to Adrienne and me inclines me to believe that it’ll be a while before she trusts another guy. Hopefully she’ll speak up if she needs help.

Closing my eyes, I go over what I’m going to say one more time, followed by the responses Ms. Cain and I worked on for the few questions we’ll take afterward. None of the journalists outside will catch me off guard this time. Not after Headmistress Morgan found the tin of drugs in Grady’s room and confiscated them. I wanted to watch, to make sure the last vestiges of Professor Rook’s influence on me were destroyed, but of course the headmistress refused. I should have had Adrienne ask her for me. Then maybe she would’ve consented.

My mom wraps me in at least the third or fourth tight hug she’s given me this morning. Relief shines in her blue eyes. “Sorry. I don’t want to wrinkle you, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

I laugh, thankful she’s here with me. Daddy too. He puts a hand on my shoulder, drawing my attention up to his face. “I’m so proud of you, Charlotte. That’s one heck of a speech you wrote.”

I grin. I’m pretty proud of it too.

Mrs. LaGuerre comes in, and Ricardo winks at me before turning to his mom. They talk in low voices, smiling. At my urging, he’s going home to Haiti this summer to spend time with her. I’ll miss him, but we’ve already arranged for my siblings and I to fly down for a visit midway through the break. It’s going to be awesome.

A tap on my shoulder draws me around to face Ricardo.

“You ready?” He grins down at me.

“If Robbie Duncan Jr. can come back from his stint in jail to become a worldwide star, I can overcome poor-quality photo of alleged drugs.”

“I don’t think that’s his name, but I know what you mean. You’re going to be great.” With a glance over my shoulder at my parents, he tugs on my hand to pull me into him.

I go willingly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Inhaling deeply as if breathing me in, he drops his face toward mine. Fingers wrap in my ponytail and give the smallest of tugs. Warmth pools in my chest. “Ricardo,” I warn, low enough that no one can hear me.

“Just one tiny kiss? For luck?”

The corner of my mouth lifts. “Just one. And it had better be good.”

That’s all the encouragement he needs to press his mouth to mine. Sparks shoot through my veins as he kisses me. It’s the slow, assured brush of someone who knows where he stands. I love it. Kissing Ricardo is like what I imagine flying to feel like. Soaring high over the pink-streaked sky as my fingers skim cotton candy clouds.

“Char,” Adrienne taps on my arm, making me pull away from Ricardo.

Daddy’s got an eyebrow raised at my unabashed display.

“What? I needed a good luck kiss, didn’t I?”

Daddy shakes his head, but there’s a trace of amusement in his eyes.

Ricardo beams as he snakes an arm around my waist. After a quick peck on my temple, he withdraws. “I’ll be right here, mon coeur. Maybe we can go get some ice cream after.”

“It’s way too cold for ice cream,” I protest, but halfheartedly. I’d eat ice cream with Ricardo any time and in any weather. He’ll be happy to warm me up afterward.

Ms. Cain peeks out the front door before nodding to us. It’s time.

Straightening my shoulders, I walk toward her, grateful to have my loved ones at my back. In a few minutes, I’ll have delivered my speech. Admitted to a youthful indiscretion. Asked for forgiveness. And plugged Daddy’s candidacy too.

My skin stretches and pulls as I move, sore from my ordeal last night. The bruises reminders of everything I’ve been through over the past eight months. All of it was in preparation for today. My first morning in the light. Because once I deliver this speech, I won’t just be a high school girl who solved a murder. I’ll be Charlotte Cavendish-Holt, future politician. Maybe even future president.


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