Lethal Queen Bee (Embassy Academy #2) - Emily Kazmierski Page 0,88

attempts to pull me into his side.

I evade him. Pull together the scales of my armor so there aren’t any gaps. Prepare myself for the coming onslaught.

Ricardo’s eyes flash with hurt at my rebuff, but he doesn’t move to touch me again. Probably for the best. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. And you won’t be here. You’ll be in Haiti with your mom.”

He shakes his head. “I’ll be… What? I will not. I told my mom yesterday that I’m not going.”

So that’s where he was when I tried to call him from the car on the way to the police station. Well, good for him.

“Why not? You should.” My tone is cold, detached. But inside I’m a flame, razing the foundation of our relationship until it’s nothing but charred ash and dying embers. If I’m going to focus on repairing my reputation, the way Daddy sees me, it has to be this way. No distractions, even ones I desperately want to indulge in.

Ricardo runs a hand through those downy curls. “No, I shouldn’t. I don’t know why you’re saying this, but you don’t mean it. You trust me.” The question is clear.

Do I trust him, really? Yes. After everything that has happened to Ricardo and me this semester, I know deep down that he’ll always have my back. Won’t betray me. Unlike most everyone around me, Ricardo sees me. A high-strung, control freak, perfectionist who never lets her hair down unless she’s dared to do it. A girl who works furiously and loves deeply, despite my aloof manner. He sees me, and cares for me.

And yet...

“No, I don’t. Not really. How can I? Freshman year, you let me kiss you, and then you didn’t talk to me again. You’d already gotten what you wanted.”

Ricardo blanches. “Is that what you think? That after you kissed me, I—look, that first day, when you kissed me, I was ecstatic. I thought the most beautiful girl at the academy was choosing me, out of all the spoiled peacocks that strut around this school. Then I find out that you’re Senator Holt’s daughter. The guy who’s made his career on immigration reform. You’re telling me you didn’t kiss me because it was exciting? The idea of being with someone who wasn’t an American?”

My expression hardens. He has no idea what he’s talking about. There was not an iota of allure in kissing him because he was from a different country. It was because the moment I saw him, I knew. I knew we would be great together. But I can’t dwell on that now. “Last year, you toyed with Genevieve for much longer, and look how that turned out?”

Ricardo startles, anger flashing in his eyes. “Are you serious? This is what you’re using to break up with me? After everything? I lied to the police for you, Charlotte. I tampered with the security footage. No matter that you’re innocent. You know what would happen to me if anyone found out what I’ve done? And still you don’t trust me? I don’t believe this. I was knocked unconscious by your ex-boyfriend, for crying out loud. What kind of player would stick with a girl after something like that, unless he...” He breaks off, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Mon dieu, Charlotte. Can’t you see it? I love you.”

My entire body goes up in searing flames. He loves me?

Everything in me aches to run to him and throw my arms around him. Let the soothing balm of his kiss quench the flames licking at my heart. Let him know that not only do I trust him, he makes me happy. I want to make him happy too. But one more time I deny myself. I can’t do this right now. I can’t afford to be preoccupied, not when my relationship with Daddy is in jeopardy. My plans for my future as president of the United States.

I don’t know when I began, but I’m shaking my head. Holding back a torrent of tears, which I will never let him see. Never tell. Instead, I let my silence speak for me. Ricardo can make whatever assumptions he needs to leave me.

A hush settles between us as our harsh words sink to the floor like jagged shards of broken glass. Glittering in their dark capacity to lacerate vulnerable hearts. The crackle of energy is doused, leaving me chilled to the bone.

Ricardo’s chin comes up. “If you’re going to be that way, maybe you’re right. Maybe I will go to Haiti with my

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