Lethal Queen Bee (Embassy Academy #2) - Emily Kazmierski Page 0,43

the bed beside Gul and tilts her head toward the teary girl. It’s a simple gesture, meant to give Gul comfort. How does Adrienne think of stuff like that?

I give myself a mental shake. I have to focus.

“Can you tell me about the video?” I ask, trying to imbue sympathy into my voice.

Adrienne frowns, but I push on.

“It would be helpful to know how it was sent to you, and by whom.”

Gul nods, finally looking me in the eye. “I don’t know who sent it. The message said it was from a makeup company I follow, but the email address must have been spoofed, because it wasn’t from them. I started watching it because I was curious. I thought maybe it was a fan-made video, you know, but once I realized what it was… And then the message at the bottom popped up. I couldn’t help it. I screamed.”

I look between Gul and the spot where her phone is lying on her desk, screen darkened. “The video looked real to me, but I wasn’t there when Professor Rook was killed. It’s too bad we can’t figure out who called 911, and ask them about it.”

Gul doesn’t miss my pointed look.

Adrienne takes a brownie and starts eating it quietly.

A ragged sigh comes from Gul’s throat. “Fine, if you really want to know, it was me.”

I refrain from pumping my fist, but it’s a challenge. “I knew it. Why did you deny it?” I can’t hide the exasperation that edges my words.

“Charlotte…” Adrienne says, her tone a warning.

“Sorry. Sorry. Let me try again. Gul, why didn’t you come forward and speak to the police after the accident?” Pot, meet kettle.

Gul chews on her lower lip. “I didn’t see anything, really, except a car hitting Professor Rook and then driving off. It was too dark to make out the car’s color, or type. The license plate. Anything. So I figured once I reported it, that was enough.”

“You’re sure you didn’t see the driver?” I press, my eyes locked on hers.

She shakes her head. “Even if I did, I would never tell, especially not after this.”

I exhale. “What were you doing outside that night?”

Gul pulls the blanket tighter around her shoulders, her black hair tumbling down her back in disarray. “None of your business.”

I put a hand on her arm. “I see your point. This video is clearly a threat. Whoever sent it to you probably also killed Professor Rook, and they think you know something about it. You should really talk to the police.”

Gul’s head shake is more vehement this time. “No way. I’m keeping my mouth shut this time.”

I snort. It takes everything in me not to retort, “For once,” but that wouldn’t be helpful.

Gul must know what I’m thinking, because her expression hardens. “Look. I already admitted that I made the call. I don’t know anything else. Please leave.”

Popping the final bite of her brownie into her mouth, Adrienne slides off Gul’s bed. “You won’t reconsider talking to the police? I really think you should. They could keep you safe.”

“After everything they put you through last semester?” Gul is practically spitting. “No effing way.”

Adrienne shrugs. “I’m not going to say it wasn’t scary, but they were just doing their job.”

My sister. Always ready to forgive and forget when someone does her wrong. Even when it’s the police trying to prove she murdered someone.

Clearly, whoever killed the professor does not have the same forgiving nature.

Adrienne leaves a brownie on a napkin on Gul’s desk, and follows me to the door. “For later,” she whispers.

Gul thanks her before turning back to me. “You’re going to keep looking into this, aren’t you? Since you’re dating Ricardo, and he has access to the security footage?”

I square my shoulders. “Yes, I am.”

Quieter, she asks, “Will you let me know if you find anything?”

I hesitate. She’s presented me with an opportunity. Do I take the self-preserving route, or the right one? “Sure, if you keep your mouth shut about Ricardo and me.” I’ll probably let her know what I find, even if she doesn’t agree, but she doesn’t need to know that. I’m not perfect, obviously.

Adrienne’s confused face turns toward mine. “What does she—”

“Nothing. Do we have a deal?”

Gul nods.

“I’ll let you know what I find out.”

Ricardo and Mikhail are waiting outside when we leave Gul’s room.

They fall into step with us back to my room.

Mikhail stops in the hallway, reverting to his stance against the wall.

Closing the door behind my sister, I fill Ricardo in on

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