Lethal Queen Bee (Embassy Academy #2) - Emily Kazmierski Page 0,17

jacket. “You look tired.”

Behind me, Mikhail smothers a bark of laughter.

Adrienne, too, looks concerned. She’s coiling a red lock around her finger absently as she watches me.

I put on my brightest smile. “I’m fine. Really. Let’s get to breakfast. I need an omelet.”

Adrienne smiles tentatively. “If you say so. I’m ready for some pastries, myself.”

“When are you not?”

We laugh together as we walk down to the eatery, Mikhail a constant shadow. Their companionship buoys me. With my sister, my best friend, and even Mikhail with me, I’ll be fine.

“So, Genevieve, how was Belgium?” Adrienne asks as she loops an arm through mine.

On my other side, Genevieve beams. On a happy sigh, she tells us all about her family’s trip to Bruges, where her grandma lives. It sounds wonderful, and I let myself get distracted by it as the beguiling smell of breakfast grows. I’ve never been to Belgium, and I would love to go sometime. Maybe Adrienne and I could visit Genevieve there this summer.

Assuming I’m not in prison.

The thought douses my enthusiasm. I can’t think like that. I have to focus.

Everyone has pulled out the stops for the first day of school. I catch glimpses of new, expensive jewelry, watches, shoes, and even some brightly colored socks as the four of us navigate the hallway.

We’re in front of the health center when its door swings open, and Kenneth comes out.

I stop in my tracks as his eyes focus on me, like twin blue laser beams. I never noticed it before, but Adrienne’s nickname for him is intensely accurate. He does look like a Ken Doll. An unwelcome one.

“Charlotte, nice to see you.” He gives a polite smile.

My hands find my hips. “What are you doing here? We broke up, remember?”

Mikhail’s eyes move between Kenneth and me as he assesses the situation. Not missing anything.

Eyeing the guy at our side, Kenneth shakes his head. “Don’t you remember? You set up a rotation for me here with Doctor Paloma last semester.”

Icy remembrance hits me like a wall of frigid air. I did that, but I hadn’t heard from him until last night, so I assumed it hadn’t been approved. Doctor Paloma didn’t sound convinced when I talked to her in early December, but she must have changed her mind.

“You couldn’t get out of it?” Inside, mortification is burning me up, but I don’t let it show. To think, at the time I was excited that I’d get to see him every day. Maybe I’d even fake another bee sting.

“It was already set. Will you come inside so we can talk?”

My jaw almost drops, but I stop it. Reigning in my composure, I give him a dismissive smile. “I can’t now. I have to eat breakfast before class.”

Kenneth steps closer. “Please. I have to talk to you. It’ll only take a minute.”

I feel the unwelcome burning of eyes on me.

Adrienne is gaping at Kenneth, clearly as surprised as I am that he’s here. Genevieve is more composed, and puts a hand on my arm as a show of support. Standing at her full height of 5’8,” she’s not easy to dismiss. Kenneth’s eyes rake over her, and then my stepsister, before returning to me.

“Charlotte?” He opens the door wider, beckoning for me to precede him.

Shaking my head, I glance up and down the hall. We have an audience, and it’s growing. Those closest to us are watching with interest, and awareness is spreading down the corridor. A short girl at the end of the hall goes up on tiptoes trying to get a good view, her dark eyes all I can see above the shoulders of the crowd. Gul. Curse everyone at this school and their drama radar.

“Charlotte, maybe you should talk to Kenneth?” Genevieve prompts, questions in her eyes.

Making a snap decision, I plead with my eyes for her to understand. Then I hook my arm around the elbow of the nearest boy. It’s pure coincidence that he’s so close. I’ll regret this later, I am sure, but for now, it’s my best and only move. With a yank, I pull him around to face my ex.

“Kenneth, have you met my new boyfriend, Ricardo?”

Ricardo’s eyes go wide as he looks down at me, but he smothers his surprise quickly. His signature cocky grin spreads over his features. Holding out a hand, he says, “Kenneth. I’ve heard a lot about you, none of it good, I’m afraid.”

Kenneth starts to splutter, his eyes swinging from Ricardo to me and back. “You… He… You…”


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