Let It Be (Butler, Vermont #6) - Marie Force Page 0,73

whatever stroke of fate had brought her to him. Making love with his Lucy was a nearly religious experience, every damned time, especially after having been away from her for three endless days and two long nights.

“Missed you so much,” he whispered as he moved in her, careful not to put weight on the baby.

“Missed you, too. Our mountain isn’t the same without my mountain man.”

“I was worried about you up there by yourself.”

“I wasn’t by myself. Sarah and Elmer took good care of me.”

Colton pushed into her and held still while grasping her hips, knowing how that drove her wild.

“Colton,” she said, sounding desperate. “Don’t torture me.”

“Why not? I love to torture you.”

She pinched his butt and made him startle, which got him moving again.

“That was a dirty trick, my love.”

“Whatever it takes.”

“Is this what you want?” he asked, picking up the pace.

“Yes,” she said, arching into him as best she could with the beach ball between them.

“Hold that thought,” he said, withdrawing from her.


He carefully arranged her on her knees and entered her from behind.

“Don’t stop,” she said.

“Shhh, we’re not on the mountain.”

“Do. Not. Stop.”

Colton laughed as he gave his love what she wanted, reminding her again to be quiet as they reached a highly satisfying conclusion.

“Was I loud?” Lucy asked as she melted into the bed.

Colton withdrew from her and turned on his side to face her. “Very, but that’s fine. It’s good for people to know how happy I keep you.”

She squished his lips again, making him laugh. “You keep me very happy, but your ego is out of control.”

“Just the way you like it.”

“Whatever you say.”

“I love you, my Lucy in the sky with diamonds, the best thing to ever happen to me.”

“I love you, too, Colton, my mountain man with an ego bigger than the sun.”

“We’re a match made in heaven.”

“If you say so.”

“I do. I say so.”

Since she was already most of the way asleep, he settled for having the last word.

Hunter had trouble winding down from the emotional few days with his family, his mind racing with the things he’d learned about his father’s past. He wanted to know more about the uncle he’d been named for and would ask his dad about him when things settled down.

Megan was downstairs seeing to some last-minute details for breakfast, which she was in charge of. Breakfast for more than two dozen people would be nothing for her, but he was worried about her overdoing it. He was thinking about going after her when she came into the room.

“There you are. I was about to come fetch you.”

“Breakfast is going to be epic.”

“With you in charge, I have no doubt. Now come get in bed with your lonely husband who missed you so much.”

“I’m coming.”

When she snuggled up to him a few minutes later, he felt himself begin to relax. She was usually the fix for whatever ailed him. Why should now be any different?

“I could tell you were stressed when you got home,” she said. “Are you better now?”

“Getting there.” He held her close. “This helps.”

“The trip went well, though, right?”

“Yeah, it was fine, all things considered. It just has me thinking a lot about how you don’t really know people and what they’ve endured. Even the people closest to you sometimes.”

“It’s true. I see your dad every day. I have for years. And I had no idea any of this had happened to him.”

“He didn’t want us to know.”

“He didn’t want you to hurt for him.”

“I suppose.”

“And yet you have anyway, haven’t you?”

“A little.”

“You have the biggest heart, Hunter. It’s one of the things I love the best about you.”

Ready to lighten up his mood, he said, “What are some of the other things?”

“I love the way you take care of me and everyone else you love. I adore your gorgeous brown eyes and your handsome face and sexy body and—”

He kissed her, devouring her lips in a passionate kiss that wiped his mind clear of anything that wasn’t her and them and how it felt to be with her this way. On many a day, even a year after their wedding, he still wanted to pinch himself to believe he’d actually gotten the woman of his dreams to marry him. “Happy anniversary,” he said against her lips. “Best year of my life.”

“Happy anniversary.” She ran her fingers through his hair and gazed up at him with her heart in her eyes. “Best year of my life, too.”

“I can’t wait for year two.”


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