Leopard's Rage - Jaida Jones Page 0,98

over her temple. Kept it tender. Loving even. He felt tender and loving toward her, but he knew he had to be careful of giving her too many of those gestures when she didn’t want them from him.

She drank slowly, letting the cool water trickle over her throat. He was a big man and her throat had to be sore. The water had to feel good. When she turned her face away from the bottle, he lowered her head back down over the chair. She wasn’t finished and she would expect him to insist they finish their ritual. He stepped close to give her access, drinking from the same bottle, resting one hand on the ropes as he leaned toward her mouth.

Her tongue felt exquisite as she lapped at him. There was nothing so decadent as his woman taking care of him in the early-morning hours after the blow job of the century. Her face was smeared with his seed when she finished, and she looked disheveled and well used.

Again, he needed a minute to get himself under control and he spent it looking at her, assessing her. Thanking the universe that she was in it with him. Her tight red curls were wet and gleaming with their combined sex and when he opened the privacy screen they glistened along with her thighs. He picked up the camera and slowly walked around her, taking shots from every angle.

“You do look beautiful, Flambé. I want to have a book of my ties with you as my model. The ropes always look so good against your skin.” Deliberately he moved close to take a picture of her spread legs. “And you react so beautifully to erotic bondage.”

“I know you’re not going to show those to anyone.” She said it, but there was the smallest hint of doubt in her voice. Her voice was husky.

He turned away from her, putting the camera down so he could pull the knots loose. He was always careful not to leave her tied too long. She was building up her stamina, but she wasn’t ready to stay for any prolonged period of time. He checked her pulse and her hands, legs, arms and feet for warmth and then pulled her onto his lap to rock her gently.

“Woman, I’ve told you a million times, I don’t share.” He nuzzled the top of her head. “We both need a shower and then you can show me what you’ve been working on for our garden. I’ve got a few ideas I want to talk to you about so you can keep them in mind when you’re designing.”

She cuddled into him the way she did after he tied her. It was the only time he got that from her and he savored every second he had with her. She felt small and fragile to him, when now that he knew her, he was well aware that wasn’t the truth at all.

“There’s going to be so much room, Sevastyan. Almost too much. I think we’re going to have to do this in sections, otherwise it will be too overwhelming.” Her voice was very low, husky, and she sounded distracted. Still very much on edge.

“That’s what you said when I wanted to build up the little wooded area to a much larger forest.” He rubbed his chin again over the top of her hair.

Sevastyan massaged Flambé’s arms and breasts, a firm rub that was very sensual, circling her nipples and then moving his fingers down to her belly to massage there as well. She was still experiencing little ripples, aftershocks that shook her. He could feel them moving through her body and his massage added to the sensations. He wanted to keep those sensations going, just for a little while longer.

She moaned and turned her head into his chest, spreading her legs for him as he pushed his fist against her wet, inflamed pussy, his knuckles rubbing. She pressed down tight, riding his knuckles as he continued the massage, his teeth biting her shoulder, tongue soothing, then teeth stinging again.

Shturm, keep talking to your female. I want you to coax her to the surface. You are going to reclaim her, just in case, for some reason, she didn’t understand the first time what that meant. She’s young and it’s her first cycle. We need to know if she realizes you are her mate.

Sevastyan very gently pulled his fist out from between Flambé’s legs. She made a low sound of protest and tried to

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