Leopard's Rage - Jaida Jones Page 0,19

why he’s an arrogant prick. He gets away with murder. He always has, he’s just more blatant about it now. His family has tried to get him to see reason, but he doesn’t listen to them. There are five boys. Franco is the oldest. They come from old money, somewhere in the Congo area, I heard.”

Drake Donovan nodded. He owned a small but trusted international security company, one that was made up of mainly shifters, although very few knew that. He was probably the leading authority on the shifters and various lairs around the world. “They’re African leopards, big ones and fighters. They keep their leopards in combat shape.”

“Sevastyan deliberately provoked him to get his attention off Flambé,” Mitya continued. “She’s very close to the emergence. She’ll be staying with him until her leopard makes an appearance. Right now, Matherson has several men watching Sevastyan’s home. They can’t get in and if they try to burn him out, he’s prepared for that as well. We’re on a wait-and-see policy at the moment. We wanted to find out what you had on Franco,” Mitya added. His voice was clipped. It was evident to everyone in the room, Jake included, that Mitya didn’t want to wait at all. He wanted to take care of the problem and just go after Matherson right then.

“Let me find out how extensive his reach is into law enforcement,” Jake said. “That shouldn’t be difficult. Franco is relatively new to this area. He had to have reached out to someone to get in. He had to hire locals to help him. He brought leopards, but he can’t have that many. His brothers travel with him, but they don’t always stay if they think he’s going to pull them into deep shit. Messing with the local mob might constitute deep shit to them.”

“Did you not hear that he left his men on Sevastyan’s property?” Fyodor snapped.

Sevastyan stirred, just the slightest of movements to remind his cousins that it really didn’t matter what the decision was at the table. In the end, he was going to kill and burn the bodies of every leopard Franco Matherson left behind for whatever purpose. He would get his woman to sleep and then go hunting. His cousins would want to hunt with him, but he was the head of security and he was forbidding that. He had already contacted the team he wanted with him. They were on standby.

Drake Donovan glanced over his shoulder, more like flicked his gaze at him, but then turned his attention to Mitya. “We know. We heard. They can’t get to him. This is really about Flambé. Matherson wants her and he can’t have her so he’s throwing one of his fits. It’s what he does. He’s dangerous when he’s like this.”

“I don’t get it,” Fyodor said. “Why isn’t he going after the women in his lair? Or one of the lairs closer to his? He has the money. He had the opportunity. You said he’s a fighter and so is his family. The chances of his mate being among the women there are so much greater.”

Drake shrugged. “He still has to abide by the shifter laws within his lair. The elders refused to allow him to search. He has a reputation for cruelty and they fiercely protect their women and children. It didn’t matter how much money the Matherson family had, the lair didn’t care. They drove them out.”

“Yet Franco didn’t retaliate by hunting and killing the leopards in his lair,” Mitya pointed out, “the way he seemed to do with the Arabians.”

“There were too many of the African leopards. The lairs would have banded together and hunted Franco,” Drake said. “They have an enforcer team. I’ve tried to recruit members for my security team—they’re that good—but so far I haven’t been able to persuade them away from their home turf. I wouldn’t be surprised, given Franco’s reputation, if these boys don’t come hunting him.”

“They’ll have to get in line,” Mitya said, his voice grim.

“Unfortunately, if Franco disappears now, the cops will look at Sevastyan first. He’s already gone to your house, Sevastyan, and he hit your woman.”

“She didn’t report it,” Mitya said when Sevastyan didn’t so much as stir in the shadows. “And she isn’t going to.”

“That will still come out if Franco disappears,” Drake said. “You can bet there’s footage of Franco assaulting her. His people would have taken it. They can twist these things to their advantage. That footage would be produced and

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