The Leopard Soul (Soul Stones #3) - Amy Sumida Page 0,12

second hand slid around my waist—one dark forearm crossing my chest and one my belly. Kardri growled but it was a low, sensuous sound that vibrated over my flesh as he nuzzled my neck. My cock was rock hard.

His teeth scraped down my shoulder and then lightly nipped me. Fingertips moved against my chest, his grip softening. Lazy circles teased my skin. Something hard and thick nuzzled my ass. My body ran hot and shivery. Kardri's pointer finger circled my nipple. Tickled over my belly. A gentle sweep of fingers barely missed the tip of my cock. I was aching. Dick weeping. My hips started to move forward and back, seeking relief as my panting breaths peppered the air. Then the Leopard Lord spun me about suddenly.

I groaned as his mouth covered mine. Hot tongue, full lips, moaning growls. My hands could only pull him closer. My nipples pebbled against his solid chest, aching when I rubbed them against him. He was still damp from steam and my body. I stroked a hand over the curves of his chest and grabbed him as if his pec was a woman's breast. Kardri moaned and ground his cock forward against mine. But as soon as that dick touched me, every nerve in my body cringed. I jerked back, hitting the dresser and rattling the mirror. My arm went out automatically, straightened to keep him at bay.

I was panting and wide-eyed when I said, “Oh, you're good. There's just one problem, Leopard Lord. You've got a dick.”

“Of all the men,” he muttered and shook his head. “You were enjoying my attention until then.”

“You mean until your big cock reminded me you were a guy? Yeah, sure.” I backed away. “Fuck,” I shook my head too, but I did it as if I were coming out of a daze. “I totally fell for it—your 'you're bad at drying yourself' crap. Wow. That's how you do it, huh?”

“Do what?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Seduce straight men.” I looked him over. “You're like a god to those gay faeries; they're all over you. Why do you have to fuck with us straight guys?”

Kardri's face twitched. “Maybe I like the challenge. Or maybe I just don't like the way you straight guys look at us.”

“You mean the way we look at you when you put yourself on display?” I waved my hand out toward where his campfire waited to be rekindled, getting furious and not knowing why. “When you suck and fuck each other right in the open?”

“And straight soldiers don't suck and fuck each other around campfires?” He shot back.

“Sure, sometimes it happens when we get really drunk,” I conceded. “But not every fucking night! Usually, we have the decency to go into a tent or the woods—somewhere private. And we don't put a show on even when it does happen. Fuck, why am I even saying we? I've never had sex in public. I've kissed women, maybe grabbed their asses, but I've never done the shit you do.”

“And that gives you the right to sneer at us when you walk by?” he hissed.

“I have never sneered at you!” I shoved him with my pointer finger.

“You were sneering last night,” Kardri growled. “It's why I called out to you.”

“Bullshit! I wasn't sneering; I was trying to avoid your notice and trying to avoid looking at you, but I wasn't fucking sneering. I don't give a shit who you fuck. Women or men, I don't care, but either way, I don't want to see it!”

“Now that's bullshit.” He shoved me back with his finger. “If I had a group of women dancing naked for me every night, you would be flocking to my campfire.”

“Yeah? The way the gay humans flock to your campfire?” I shot back.

He blinked.

“Yeah, you're the one making this a gay or straight thing, when all it is, is a decency thing.”

“There's that fucking word again,” the Leopard Lord snarled. “I'm indecent, am I?”

“Oh, you're all kinds of indecent.” I waved at the straps and the chair. “I mean, what the fuck is that?” I pointed at the chair.

“That is a kinging chair.”

“A kinging chair?” I gaped at him.

“What do you care? If it's so indecent, you'll never have to endure it.”

“You're damn straight, I won't.”

“I am nothing near straight,” he growled crowding me against the dresser with his massive body. “And neither are you, Tristan. Bonding with me has changed you. You'll see that soon enough. But I won't 'fuck with you' Copyright 2016 - 2024