Leonardo (Romancing the Weavers #5) - Kit Morgan Page 0,55

that,” Colin said. “I’ve never seen clouds so dark.”

“Late spring storms move in fast here,” Ebba said.

Colin stepped away from the window. “Nice to be inside, then. Anyone for tea?”

“But what about Parthena?” Leo looked at the thunderheads rolling in.

“She’s smart enough to come in out of the rain,” Colin said. “Besides, you and Savannah had something to tell us, don’t you?”

Leo nodded, though every fiber in his being wanted to go fetch Parthena and bring her back. But Colin was right – they needed to explain their plan first. After all, Colin and Belle were here in proxy for Savannah’s parents. He was probably worrying for nothing. He went to the kitchen table, pulled out a chair for Savannah and sat. It was time to tell everyone.

Parthena reached the meadow, spotted the trail to the woods and, throwing caution to the wind, headed straight for it. So long as she didn’t go too far, she should be fine. But the dark clouds rolling in didn’t look promising. Ma was right – it was definitely going to rain.

She found a large pine, sat at the base of it, pulled her knees up and sighed. “Oh, Savannah, how am I going to live without you? Who am I going to tell all my secrets to? Who will I sit next to in church?”

She rested her head on her elbows. It was bad enough having her heart broken when nothing happened between her and Leo to begin with, but to have it broken again by her cousin leaving Clear Creek was more than she could bear. She was going to lose a man she’d fallen in love with and her cousin and best friend. How did things come to this?

She sat and thought about her visit to the Weaver farm, Leo, his family, and everything she did. How did it happen? She just couldn’t figure it out. Leo was handsome, but so were a lot of young men in Clear Creek whom she’d never thought twice about. But Leo Cucinotta was different. Maybe it was those differences that drew her. They had finally drawn Savannah too. And now they were announcing their desire to court, or perhaps their betrothal. It hurt. It shouldn’t, but it did.

“What have I done?” she whined. “I never should’ve spent time with him – now look at me.” She stared into the woods as angry tears escaped. She should’ve known better. She should have guarded her heart. But how could she guard against a sensation so powerful it took her breath away and all clear thought vanished? It was like swimming upstream against a strong current. You never got anywhere and soon you were exhausted and swept away. Well, she’d have to swim for shore now or drown trying …

A twig snapped.

Parthena got to her feet. “Who’s there?”

The brush to her right rustled and she caught sight of something in the trees. “Clinton?” But she knew it wasn’t her cousin nor any of the other men – she’d seen no sign of them on her way here. “Hello?”

Something large and brown was heading toward her. Was it a wild animal? What kind were in these woods? Leo told her, but she was drawing a blank. The beast approached, the noise making her heart race. “Who’s there?!”


She jumped back as Benjamin and Charity’s notoriously dim cow Beulah crashed through the brush. “Oh, thank goodness it’s you.” She’d heard the stories about Beulah the Brainless Bovine, whom Charity despaired of although she was the best milker in the herd: how she’d wander off at the slightest provocation, how she’d drink kerosene and graze on thorn bushes or porcupines or decaying logs, how she’d get lost for days in snowstorms. It was a running joke among the Weavers, and a constant annoyance for the men who had to track her down.

Beulah headed straight for her, as if happy she found someone, but only stopped for a second before wandering off again.

“Hey, wait!” Parthena started after her … and then heard a low growl in the distance and froze. That was no cow.

Leo saddled Leopold, surprised at his haste. What could happen to Parthena other than getting wet once the rain started? Yet he couldn’t help himself – something in his gut told him to hurry.

He mounted up and headed off. Colin told him he suspected she was heading toward Arlan and Samijo’s. He could check there first, but suspected that wasn’t where she went. She must be upset at Savannah’s

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