Leonardo (Romancing the Weavers #5) - Kit Morgan Page 0,53

someone was hovering in the hallway, listening to their conversation.

Parthena blew out the lamp and crawled back into bed. She’d been tossing and turning and had finally gotten up to get a drink. I can’t sleep, can’t eat, and can’t stop thinking about Leo Cucinotta. What am I going to do?

Savannah was asleep on the other bed, softly snoring. She always did. Parthena wondered if it would keep Leo up at night or if he’d find it cute. She tried to push the thought aside, and couldn’t. “Why did I have to get attached to a man I can’t have? Why?”

She turned enough to glance at Savannah, saw she was still asleep and sighed. She shouldn’t be talking to herself like this, certainly not out loud. She didn’t want to ruin her cousin’s happiness with Leo, which she would if Savannah knew how she felt. Rotten luck, that was all there was to it.

Parthena lay on her back and tried counting sheep. She thought of home and how wonderful it would be to get back, but her mind kept tossing Leo into the picture. “No, no, no!” She sighed and put her pillow over her face. She wanted to scream into it, but that would wake her cousin.

It never would’ve worked anyway, she mused. What makes me think he’d have any interest in me? Yes, the way he looks into my eyes turns me into a puddle. And his voice is so heavenly. Why should I care? I’m sure Savannah will love having him whisper in her ear … She turned over as the first tears fell. They’ll be happy together. Ecstatic. I can come visit at least, maybe even twice a year. And when they have children …

Parthena sniffled. Oh, Savannah, I’m so happy for you. I just wish you’d set your cap for someone else … If Savannah had, she never would’ve been reacquainted with Leo unless she came to see Clinton, or he visited with Lucy and Max. But what did it matter? He might’ve gotten himself a mail-order bride like Arturo and been happily married that way.

“It just wasn’t meant to be,” she whispered into the dark. “It never was.” She beat her pillow a few times and put it beneath her head. She would accept the facts and move on. Thank Heaven no one had noticed … okay, Father had, and Leo, of course. But from now on, she’d smile, be polite, and congratulate Savannah and Leo when they announced their happy news.

That Savannah wasn’t asking her what she thought about Leo was a sign she was more intent on this whole thing than Parthena first thought. Well, that was fine. She’d stand by her cousin and see to her happiness. Besides, even if Savannah decided they wouldn’t suit and they all went home, what good would it do her? She’d never know if Leo was a good match for her or not. After all, she wasn’t the one spending all the time with him.

None of it helped Parthena get to sleep, though. She eventually drifted off, more from exhaustion than inner peace. And by the time she dragged herself down to breakfast the next morning, Savannah was already gone. “They went for a ride into the woods,” Ma explained as she poured her a cup of coffee. “Your folks went with them. I guess this means you get a break from chaperoning.”

Parthena ignored the threatening tears. She had to get over this! “How nice.” She sipped her coffee as Ma dished her up a plate of food and set it in front of her. “Thank you.”

Ma watched her a moment. “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but are you all right?”

She set down her cup. “I’m fine.”

“Hmmm …”


Ma returned to the stove. “Parthena Cooke, you’re a terrible liar.”

She fought against a sigh and began cutting up her eggs. “I’ll … work it out.”

Ma came to the table. “See that you do. You don’t want to go home feeling this way, do you?”

Parthena shook her head.

“Good. I’d hate to see it, child. Now eat up and go enjoy having a day to yourself. Charity will be over later – I’m sure she’d like to visit.”

Parthena nodded. “That would be nice.” Though really she wanted to run into the woods and get lost. Anything to be left alone for a day … her eyes lit up. “Ma, do you mind if I not stay for Charity? I’d like to go for a walk.”

“I don’t mind

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