Leonardo (Romancing the Weavers #5) - Kit Morgan Page 0,26

some things I have to do.”

“You should join us for supper tonight,” Mel offered. “I’m making fried ham.”

He glanced at Savannah and back. “I can do that.”

Mel too looked at Savannah and smiled. “Good. Be back here at suppertime.”

“I will.” He nodded at Parthena and headed for the front door. Clinton and Mel’s place was roomy yet still homey – once one got used to the scent from nearby. He hoped he could build as fine a home.

“I like Mel and Clinton’s place,” Parthena said as they walked back.

“Yes, you told her as much.” Was she trying to make small talk?

“Are you going to build yourself a house?”

That took him by surprise, as he was just thinking the same thing. “One day.”

“I like living at home with my family.”

He looked at her. “You do?”

“So does Savannah. If she marries … well …”


She stopped and looked at him. “I’m sure she’ll tell you at some point, but she loves the Triple-C with all her heart.”

He nodded. “I understand. She must love it as much as I love this place.” He waved at their surroundings.

She smiled shyly and nodded. “I understand.”

He looked into her eyes. “Well, it’s good we understand each other.”

She swallowed. “Yes, it is.” She started walking again.

Leo bit his lip. The urge to kiss her took him by surprise. If she hadn’t turned away, he might have.

“Aren’t you coming?” she called over her shoulder.

He took a deep breath. He had to get a hold of himself – this wasn’t supposed to happen! “Yes.” He started after her and quickly caught up. Maybe if he was smarter he’d have kept his distance.

“Did you want to try some of the gravy?”

“Oh, um, no.” He winced. “I mean, I’m sure it’s excellent, but … I’m not partial to gravy.”

“Too bad – it really is mouthwatering.”

His eyes roamed her face. “I’m sure it is.” He swallowed hard. “But, er, I need to get home. I’ll see you later.”

Parthena smiled and nodded.

Leo nodded back, turned and took off at a run. If he didn’t get out of there fast, he might do something really stupid, and he couldn’t afford that. He had to give Savannah a chance.

Chapter Nine

Parthena watched Leo go. What was his hurry? She turned and continued toward the main farmhouse, thinking it was just as well. Her heart had started pounding in her chest, her mouth was going dry and she was tingling all over. “This is ridiculous. I have to stop this.”

If only she could. Her resolve to stay away from him for Savannah’s sake had collapsed on their way to Mel and Clinton’s house. She thought the house itself would be a distraction, but it wasn’t. She found herself watching Leo as Mel showed them around, wondering what kind of house he’d build. Good thing Savannah hadn’t noticed, or she might use it as another excuse not to get to know him herself. But why was her cousin trying to talk herself into thinking things wouldn’t work out between them? All they had to do was get to know each other a little.

“This is wrong, wrong, wrong,” she muttered as she entered the kitchen. No one was there, so she went to the worktable and stared at the mixing bowl, spoon and ingredients she’d told Ma Weaver she’d need for the gravy. Maybe Savannah was afraid of being disappointed – that could be it. She knew her cousin wasn’t thrilled with the prospects in Clear Creek. Had she already resigned herself to spinsterhood? Or …

“Something wrong, child?” Ma asked as she entered.

Parthena shrugged. “I’m not sure. But it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“Isn’t it? I can tell something’s troubling you, child. If you’d like to talk, I have two ears.”

Parthena met the old woman’s wise eyes and was reminded of Grandma Waller back in Clear Creek. She could use some of Grandma’s advice about now. She opened her mouth … and snapped it shut. She shouldn’t say anything. She didn’t want the Weavers or her parents to be disappointed. Everyone expected Leo and Savannah to see how things worked out. She had to let them.

“Well, you know where to find me if you need me,” Ma finally said. “Now, how about whipping me up a batch of Irene’s gravy?”

Parthena smiled and got to work while Ma watched closely. “Now remember, child, you didn’t give me the recipe.”

She smiled. “No, I didn’t. I’m not writing a thing down, am I?”

“Nope,” Ma said happily. “Neither am I. Irene will never

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