Legon Awakening - By Nicholas Taylor Page 0,96

Legon’s memory was perfect like her own, but there still was no reason keeping all the information the other knew. Sure, they would retain memories from each other that were basic and common, but if they weren’t then why waste the space?

She went back to preparing some eggs in a cast-iron skillet. Sara was humming to her left. Sasha smiled at her. The last couple of months had been the best in her life. She knew that it was odd to think that; they were on the run, living in tents, and not talking to the rest of the world, but it was true. She missed her parents and the valley, but other than that she missed…well, nothing. People in Salmont had treated her like an outcast and wished her harm, but not here, not these people. She was with her best friend Sara, who was now free and happy, her brother Legon, Arkin, who she thought was amazing, Kovos, and Keither. Even Kovos treated her differently than before. He was always nice, but the other day he came up to her and apologized for thinking less of her for so many years. It took her off guard. She knew that he was always a little nervous around her, but not anymore.

Legon was inspecting an elbow. She broadened the connection, but not to the point of seeing out of his eyes. She had done that once and only once. It was last week when Legon and Kovos had been bathing. Legon had been discreet about it and didn’t tell anyone, but it still was a little awkward for her for the next few days whenever Kovos touched her. Still, Emma is a lucky woman, she thought. Her face flushed at the memory. Sara looked at her and smiled.

“See anything good?” Sara winked. Of course Sasha had told Sara.

“No, I’m not looking.”

“Ah, remembering, I see.”

“Oh shut it. Keither hurt himself and I was just wondering.”

Sara tried to take an unconcerned tone. “Oh, what happened?”

“Nothing, really. Legon thinks it’s just a laceration. The humerus looks good and so does the subcutaneous…”

“English, please.”

“Oh, sorry. He cut himself.”

“See, that was not hard at all, was it?”

Sasha stuck her tongue out and went back to the eggs.

“We need to get you a man, Sash.”

“Yeah, because there’s a lot of great ones out here,” she said, gesturing with her hands around them. “But you, on the other hand…there’s Keither, or Legon.”

Sara laughed. “You’re not going to try and hook me up with your bother again, are you?”

“Why not? He’s got a good trade, he’s part Elf, and I may be biased, but he’s good looking too.”

“Yes, he is all those things, but no; I’ve had my fill for a while. But you… let’s see, who is there?” Sara smiled. “Kovos is taken, but… Arkin? Come on, the older man.”

“Yuck, Sara! He’s cute for his age I guess, but he’s like my dad. So is this the part where you tell me that men age like fine wine?”

Sara walked by her to get something out of the tent. “Well, not everything ages well.” She winked at her.

“Oh that’s nice, Sara.” Sasha paused again feeling an odd, amused feeling. She stomped on the ground.

Sara looked concerned. “What is it?”

“Dang it, dang it, dang it!”

Sara was alarmed in a flash. “What Sasha, what is it?”

“I’m a moron. I didn’t close my connection with Legon at all.” She was so mad at herself. She always did stuff like this.

Sara paused for a moment. “He’s been listening?”

Oh course he was. How could he not? If she wasn’t being a dunderhead she would have noticed the men talking as well.

She huffed. “How could he not?”

Sara considered this for a moment and then she asked, “Is he still there?”


Sara raised her voice. “Bring back firewood.” She smiled. “Nice Sash, very nice.”

* * * * *

Sara busied herself with breakfast. When the men returned, she placed the new firewood in the pit. She looked over at Keither, who looked away quickly. He obviously had a thing for her. The thought of trusting a man was odd to her now. She knew how to say what they wanted to hear and how to make them think they were in love with her, but she had done that with lies. She hadn’t cared about a single client. In fact, she hated each and every one. They knew she was a slave, and for some reason they liked it. They treated her horribly. Like that prick in Copyright 2016 - 2024