Legon Awakening - By Nicholas Taylor Page 0,93

sloppy fighter, but she was moving so fast and with so much power that Kovos was having a hard time getting to her. Even though she was going to walk away with more than a few welts, she was still doing great. Arkin looked pleased, and Legon noticed a bead of sweat forming at his brow.

“Are you all right?”

“Ok, that will do,” Arkin said.

Kovos and Sasha separated and both sat back down around the fire. Sara put her arm around Sasha. “I knew you could do it.”

“Yeah but how did she do that? I’ve never had anyone fight like that.” Kovos asked

“That is because I used magic to make Sasha faster and stronger. This is one of the many applications for magic in combat.”

After that, Arkin spent the next few hours talking about how magic could be used to make things better. It was late by the time they were ready for bed.

“Sash, what tent is ours again?” Legon asked.

“Oh, it’s the one over there, but I was going to stay with Sara if that’s ok?”

“Sure, you’re fine, so long as you feel ok.”

She looked at him for a moment. “You know what? I think I will be.” She hugged him and followed Sara.

Legon turned to Arkin. “Well, looks like you get to sleep with me, Arkin. How do you feel about that?”

“Ha! Don’t get your hopes up. That’s going to take more than ginger tea.” Arkin walked to the tent, leaving Legon alone.

“What was that supposed to mean?”

* * * * *

Sasha closed the flaps to their tent and began to get ready for bed. It had been a long day, but she wasn’t feeling all that tired. It was so good to have Sara with them. She looked like she’d been through a lot. She had lost a lot of weight since they had last spoken back home, but she was happy now that she was free. As they both lay down, Sasha looked at the flickering firelight coming through a small crack in the tent flaps.

“I know you have questions, Sash. Are you going to ask them?”

“I want to, but at the same time you seem so happy. I don’t want to bring you down.”

“You always did put others ahead of yourself. I’m glad to be with you and Legon again.”

“We’re happy that you’re here too. Can I ask about today?”

Sara chuckled. “Yes.”

“What happened?”

Sara took a deep breath. “Legon took my pain.”

“He what?”

“When he touched my arm and got rid of my mark, he also pulled my pain and suffering into himself. I actually felt the pain leave me, and it was replaced by his caring.”

“So does he still have it then?” she said with a little concern. “The pain?”

“No, it came back as soon as he let go, but I remember what he did, and that’s why I’m so happy.”

“I guess I don’t understand.”

“Sorry.” Sara rolled onto her side and Sasha could see the energy in her eyes. “Have you ever felt someone’s emotions before?”

“No, how could I?”

“That’s my point. To feel that someone cares for you, to actually feel what they feel and then to feel your pain and memories leave you for a short time, that is the greatest gift of all.”

“Because that person truly understands what you’re dealing with?” Sasha asked.

“Yes, and knowing that there is someone who cares and understands you makes the pain so much easier to take. For once I’m not alone.”

Sasha looked up, letting this new information roll around in her head. She had felt someone’s emotions before, now that she thought about it. Quite often, in fact, but it had always been on a smaller level than what Sara had experienced. She changed the subject and after a bit they fell asleep.

The next morning Sara helped her with making breakfast, and Keither was finally able to help them take down camp. Sasha would start working with him today, but as she started to get on Murray, Arkin stopped her.

“Legon, come here.”

“What’s up?” Legon asked.

“I want you two to ride together today.”

“Um, why? We have the horses . . .”

“It’s for training, you’ll see. Now let’s go.”

Legon mounted Phantom and then helped Sasha on behind him. What was Arkin up to? Why did they need to be on the same horse?

“Legon, last night you wanted to hurt me, right?” Arkin asked. Sasha felt her brother tense just a bit.

“Yeah, sorry for the loss of control,” Legon replied.

“Don’t be. I was hoping you would be upset.”

“You wanted me to be Copyright 2016 - 2024