Legend of Witchtrot Road - By E.J. Stevens Page 0,45

of hospital staff to growl at and I reached out to hold Emma’s hand.

“Hang in there,” I said.

Simon appeared seconds later with a frazzled looking woman holding a clipboard. Her glasses were askew and food was stuck to the corner of her mouth as though she had been pul ed from her dinner break. Knowing Simon, that’s exactly what had happened.

“Another accident victim?” the woman asked, jotting things down on her chart.

“Car accident,” I said.

“She hasn’t regained consciousness,” Simon growled.

“You need to find her a doctor, now.”

The woman blanched and I wondered what kinds of threats Simon had used to get her to abandon her dinner.

He obviously wasn’t using his usual method of flirtation and charm.

“I’l make sure a doctor sees her right away,” the woman said, scurrying away.

“Does it make you feel cool to play the big bad wolf?” I asked. I was glad that he was getting help for Emma, but I was also feeling sensitive to bul ying.

“You’re right,” Simon said, sighing. “That wasn’t fair.

It’s not her fault you two girls are bloody idiots. Shal I go apologize?”

I stiffened at his insult which only caused a painful twinge in my neck and shoulder.

“No, the poor woman is scared enough,” I said. “You don’t need to give her nightmares too.”

“I could work the old Simon charm,” Simon said, flashing a roguish grin.

“Old is right,” I muttered.

“I heard that,” he said.

Which had been the point.

“Let’s just wait for the doctor,” I said.

I hoped that it wasn’t already too late.


“Who puts a waterfal in a hospital lobby?” I asked.

“Board members who care more about appearances than patients,” Simon said. “And who haven’t been drinking coffee for hours waiting for their friend to wake up.” He had a point. The water sounds were making me have to pee. I was also contemplating buying another cup of coffee. The evil lobby designers had placed a Starbucks counter in one corner, with the waterfal in the center, and the smel of coffee and baked goods was making me salivate.

“I wonder how many uninsured patients could have received medical care for the cost of that waterfal ,” I said.

“You sound like Emma,” Simon said sadly.

“Yeah,” I said. “She’l be okay.”

I reached out and awkwardly squeezed his hand.

“I have to use the men’s room,” Simon said, stalking off.

If I wasn’t mistaken, there were tears in his eyes. Big softy.

I wondered if I should cal Emma’s parents. What would I say? We were driving out on a scary road for no good reason and the sky unleashed toad rain? If only Cal were here to talk to. He would know what to do.

As though reading my mind, my phone vibrated in my pocket and it was Cal.

“Hi,” I said.

“You’re okay,” Cal said. He sounded so relieved it brought tears to my eyes.

“I’m okay, just bumps and bruises,” I said. “But Emma is stil unconscious. The doctors are with her now.”

“Have you cal ed her parents?” Cal asked.

“Um, I was just trying to decide if I should,” I said.

“Do it,” Cal said. “They won’t stay mad about the car, but they wil be angry if you don’t cal to let them know what happened.”

“You’re right,” I said. “Are you coming too?”

“Soon,” Cal said. “I only just changed back and some of the younger members of the pack are stil in wolf form. I’l come straight to the hospital as soon as I can.”

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you more,” Cal said, hanging up.

Taking a deep calming breath, I dialed Emma’s parents.


Simon walked back to our seats, getting smiles and leers from the female staff as he strut his stuff across the carpet. That guy could real y work a room. I was holding two coffees and passed the second cup to Simon as he sat down.

“Oh not another one,” Simon said.

“Trust me, you’l need it,” I said.

“And why would I possibly want another caffeine concoction at this hour?” Simon asked.

“You’l want to be alert as possible,” I said. “Emma’s parents are on their way.”

Simon shut up and drank his coffee.


Emma’s parents, and my own, were back behind closed doors consulting with the doctors. Fortunately for me, I was hanging out with two werewolves who could hear everything that was being said. Simon was leaning against the wal across the hal from the meeting and Cal and I were sitting together in the waiting area nearby.

I cal ed my parents when I realized that Emma’s condition was indeed serious enough to warrant an overnight stay…even though the

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