Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8) - Shannon Messenger Page 0,31

to do anything I want, and you have to agree. So if I dare you to stay away from the Neverseen, guess who’s not allowed to go near the creepy cloaked dudes? And yes, that does include places they might be.”

“You realize, by that logic, I can’t go anywhere,” Keefe pointed out.

“Hmm, I guess you’re right. Maybe I should drag you off to a cave, then. Oh! Or to my dad’s palace! No one’s breached the security there in centuries.”

“Sounds fun,” Keefe retorted. “I can teach King Daddy The Ballad of Bo and Ro!”

“Not if I lock you in the dungeon. The palace has a really awesome one. And given your delicate elvin senses, I’m betting the smell would break you in less than a day. Face it, Funkyhair—you have two choices: You can cooperate, and still get to leave the house to see your friends occasionally. Or I can finally get out of sparkle town and take you back to Ravagog with me—and before you go getting too smiley, Miss F, don’t forget that you haven’t heard your side of this bargain. You don’t think I’d trade in my prizewinning dare for something easy, do you?”

“What do you want?” Sophie asked, and her mind made a quick list of possible demands.

But she definitely wasn’t expecting the ogre princess to plop back onto the chaise, pat the cushion next to her, and say, “I want you to tell Auntie Ro why you looked ready to spew all over the floor when I asked what’s been keeping you so busy lately.”

“Seriously?” Sophie and Keefe both asked.

“Why?” Sandor added.

Ro shrugged. “Because I’m curious. And I enjoy meddling. It’s the only fun I get to have here in elf land, and I have a hunch that this is the kind of secret that could be a game changer.”

“It’s not,” Sophie assured her.

“Well then, I guess you’re getting the deal of the century, aren’t you? Oh, but if you lie, I’m sure Hunkyhair will call you out on it.”

“I will,” Keefe agreed.

“You realize she’s bargaining for your freedom, right?” Sophie reminded him.

“Yup! But I can’t stop her, so I might as well let her take you down with me.”

Sandor leaned closer, whispering in Sophie’s ear. “Admit it. You’re tempted to let the Neverseen have him now, aren’t you?”

A tiny, tiny part of her was.

But the larger part—the part that always had to be annoyingly practical—knew this was a way better solution than any promise she might force Keefe into making after who knew how many more hours of arguing.

And… it wasn’t like her secret would stay hidden forever.

“Do we have a deal?” Ro asked.

“You swear you’ll keep him away from the Neverseen?” Sophie clarified. “Like, you realize how impossible that’s going to be?”

“Yes, I’m familiar with your boy’s stubbornness—and his tendency to think he’s outsmarting everybody. But he’ll behave. Because he knows the consequences for breaking a bet—and I can always put him on a leash if I have to. I have the perfect harness. It chafes in some particularly unpleasant places. So what do you say?” She patted the chaise again.

Sophie closed her eyes, needing a few more seconds to remind herself that this was the best way to keep Keefe safe. Then slowly, painfully, she made her way over and sank onto the cushion. “I don’t know why you care so much about this.”

“I’m not totally sure either,” Ro admitted. “But a deal’s a deal, so spill it, girlie, and let’s hope it’s something juicy.”

“Hang on,” Keefe said, grabbing the chair from his desk and dragging it over. He plopped down right in front of Sophie, resting his elbows on his knees and propping his chin on his palms in the ultimate I’m listening pose. “Okay, let’s solve one of the Foster Mysteries.”

Sophie shot him a look that hopefully said I hate you so much right now. And she really hoped he was picking up on all of her vomit-churning as she closed her eyes and took a long breath.

“Anytime now,” Ro prompted.

Sophie’s hands balled into fists. “Fine. A little more than a week ago, I… went to see the matchmakers. And I tried to pick up my match packet. But… they wouldn’t let me. Apparently, I’m”—she needed another breath—“I’m… unmatchable.”

She squeezed her eyes tighter to make sure she wouldn’t have to see the looks on their faces.

“Hmm,” Ro said after several agonizing seconds. “That’s not what I was expecting. But it should still do the trick.”

“What trick?” Sophie asked, wishing Keefe

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