Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8) - Shannon Messenger Page 0,158

there. And it’s probably not a bad idea to be so close to all of those healing flowers.”

Plus, Calla had been a part of Project Moonlark—and even though Sophie knew Calla’s consciousness was technically gone, the thought of being surrounded by the Panakes’ whispery songs while the limbium burned through her system made the whole process sound a little less awful.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Edaline said, snapping her fingers a few times. “I just sent blankets and pillows out there—I’ll get you set up. Why don’t you go change into fresh clothes while I do? Pick something extra soft and cozy for when you’re…”

She looked away, and Sophie pulled her into a hug.

“I’m going to be okay,” Sophie promised.

“I know.” Edaline squeezed Sophie tighter. “But I’m still going to worry. It’s my job as a mom—and I’m very good at it.”

“You’re good at all of the mom things,” Sophie assured her, and Edaline found a way to hug her even harder.

They stood like that for a while, neither wanting to let go.

“All right, I’ve smothered you enough,” Edaline eventually said, swiping at her eyes as she stepped back. “You go get changed. I’ll set you up the most comfortable pillow-bed ever.”

Sophie grabbed Edaline’s hand as she turned to walk away. “I really am going to be okay, Mom.”

“You are,” Edaline agreed. And it actually did sound like she believed it. “You’re my brave, brilliant, beautiful fighter.”

Now Sophie had to look away and wipe at her eyes. “I love you.”

Edaline leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I love you, too. So go get dressed. The sooner we do this, the sooner you’ll be able to get some rest. You’ve had a long day.”

She had.

And Sophie didn’t say it, but she had a sour, sinking feeling that she still had a very long night ahead of her.

* * *

Sophie took Edaline’s advice and wore her softest pair of leggings. But for a shirt, she went with the pink Happy Shadow Thoughts tunic that Linh had made for her when Sophie was recovering from the Neverseen’s attack in the Healing Center.

Sophie hadn’t touched the shirt since Tam was taken, because it brought up too many conflicting feelings.

But… it felt like a good time to remind herself why she was doing this.

If her inflicting could work the way it was supposed to, maybe the Neverseen wouldn’t be able to hurt her again.

And maybe she’d be strong enough to get Tam safely away from their enemy.

Assuming he even wanted her to—


Sophie shut down the unfair worry.

She wasn’t going to doubt Tam like that.

She was going to focus on happy shadow thoughts.

And on fixing herself.

The Councillors and Mr. Forkle were grilling Wylie about what happened with the orb of light he’d made in Loamnore when Sophie made her way back downstairs—and part of her wanted to stay and listen. But she knew she didn’t have the mental energy for that kind of conversation. She’d have to trust them to update her on anything they’d pieced together once she’d recovered from the ability resetting. For the moment, she needed to clear her head.

Edaline wasn’t waiting for her at Calla’s Panakes tree when Sophie made her way over. But Stina was.

“That’s an interesting outfit you have on there, Foster,” she called over her shoulder, adding another blanket to the pillow-mountain she was constructing.

“No, it’s an awesome outfit,” Biana corrected, appearing out of thin air beside Sophie and nearly making Sophie pee her pants.


Biana tossed another pillow onto the pile. “I really need to get one of those tunics, for when…”

She didn’t finish the sentence—and Sophie wondered if that meant Biana shared some of her worries about Tam.

“Where’s Edaline?” Sophie asked instead, scanning the nearby pastures and hoping Wynn and Luna weren’t anywhere near the gorgodon’s enclosure.

“She’s working with Dex to figure out how to keep Bullhorn confined to this area,” Biana told her as she scooped up another pillow.

“Wow, this is turning into a huge fiasco, huh?” Sophie mumbled—then blocked Biana from adding the pillow to the pile.

If they made her bed-mountain any taller, she was going to need crampons and rope to climb in.

“Well… I mean… it’s kind of a big deal,” Biana reminded her. “You sure you’re up for it after the day you’ve been having? First the King’s Path. Then the exploding chandelier. Now this.”

“Don’t forget the mud,” Stina added. “And the sandblasted hike.”

Sophie shrugged. “There’s never a good time to almost die.”

“Okay, someone needs to get that embroidered on a tunic for

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