Legacies (Mercedes Lackey) - By Mercedes Lackey Page 0,99

but once they were there, Burke beckoned to Spirit, and she saw Loch and Addie were standing with him. Muirin joined them a few minutes later, looking—as usual—as if she were getting away with something. Conversation was kept to a subdued murmur.

That conversation died out completely with the entrance of Doctor Ambrosius. He was flanked by his assistants, Ms. Corby and Mr. Devon. Doctor Ambrosius looked like a venerable, old college professor, white beard, flowing white hair, tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, and all. Ms. Corby and Mr. Devon looked—well, like bodyguards. Bored bodyguards. Doctor Ambrosius gazed out at them for a moment, then cleared his throat meaningfully. Absolute silence descended.

“We are here to celebrate the end of another calendar year here at Oakhurst,” he said, in a voice as smooth and reassuring as some documentary narrator on Discovery Channel. “Some of you haven’t been with us long and some are extended residents, but all of you are part of the Oakhurst family. Indeed, following the deaths of your parents, Oakhurst is your family now.”

He beamed at all of them, but the moment his gaze had gone to another part of the room, Loch leaned over to whisper in Spirit’s ear. “Does he practice being that tactless, or does it come naturally?”

“So, as the old year ends and the new one begins, we pause for a time of remembrance. Remember—always—that it is your responsibility to live up to the high standards that other members of your Oakhurst family have set. An Oakhurst graduate who is merely average is one who has failed. An Oakhurst graduate soars where others plod. And an Oakhurst student can never rest on his accomplishments, for while he is resting, others are overtaking him.”

He paused, and Ms. Corby signaled what was expected of them by initiating a patter of light applause.

“Now, in the generous spirit of the season and your family,” Doctor Ambrosius concluded, beaming on them all again, “let us commence the distribution of gifts.”

While Ms. Corby and Mr. Devon handed out gifts, Spirit stood there feeling a kind of bemused horror. When the kids had disappeared, Oakhurst had covered things up with lies that were meant to be reassuring. And maybe they’d had a good reason at the time, but now that she and the others had defeated the Wild Hunt, Spirit had expected some kind of announcement. Wasn’t the Wild Hunt a part of what they were being trained to defend themselves against? Didn’t its appearance mean they should all be warned to be extra careful? Oakhurst wasn’t safe. The enemies Doctor Ambrosius had talked about the day she’d arrived weren’t out there. They were in here. They had to start figuring out what was going on. Now, before whoever it was that had been behind the Wild Hunt came up with a new way to kill them.

She was so lost in her thoughts that it wasn’t until Loch nudged her sharply in the ribs that Spirit noticed Ms. Corby standing in front of her with a look of impatience on her face. She was holding two small boxes wrapped in gold paper with a cream and brown design on it. Spirit reached for the gifts. Ms. Corby held onto them, staring at her meaningfully.

“Thank you, Ms. Corby,” Spirit said, flushing angrily. Ms. Corby smiled in triumph and handed Spirit the boxes. Spirit looked around at the others. Addie had a long flat box about the size and shape of a board game under one arm. Burke was holding a large square box about twelve inches on a side. Muirin had a small box about three by three by ten.

And Loch had two boxes identical to Spirit’s in every way. He brandished the larger of the two boxes.

“iPod?” Spirit mouthed.

Loch was about to answer, but Mr. Devon had stepped in front of the fireplace.

“Every winner—and you’re all winners here at Oakhurst—knows that one of the sweetest fruits of victory is the chance to kick back and enjoy what they’ve won. All of you have worked hard this year. Now is the time to enjoy yourselves. A dessert buffet is set up in the Refectory. Enjoy!” he added, clapping his hands together and smiling brightly. Spirit thought it was the creepiest thing she’d ever seen—at least in the last few days.

When Doctor Ambrosius and his two assistants had gone, everyone began to head in the direction of the Refectory. Muirin was off like a flash, of course. Unlimited sugar.

“Yup. iPod,” Loch said aloud,

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