The Left Hand Of Darkness (Hainish Cycle #4) - Ursula K. Le Guin Page 0,61

and repairmen. They could and would block – or falsify – any transmission we received, if we did receive one! Can you imagine that scene, in the Hall? We ‘Outerspacers’ victims of our own hoax, listening with bated breath to a clutter of static – and nothing else – no answer, no Message?’

‘And you have no money to hire some loyal technicians, or buy off some of theirs?’ I asked; but no use. He fears for his own prestige. His behaviour towards me is already changed. If he calls off his reception for the Envoy tonight, things are in a bad way.

Odarhad Susmy. He called off the reception.

This morning I went to see the Envoy, in proper Orgota style. Not openly, at Shusgis’ house, where the staff must be crawling with Sarf agents, Shusgis being one himself, but in the street, by chance, Gaum-fashion, sneaking and creeping. ‘Mr. Ai, will you hear me a moment?’

He looked around startled, and recognizing me, alarmed. After a moment he broke out, ‘What good is it, Mr. Harth? You know that I can’t rely on what you say – since Erhenrang—’

That was candid, if not perceptive; yet it was perceptive too: he knew that I wanted to advise him, not to ask something of him, and spoke to save my pride.

I said ‘This is Mishnory, not Erhenrang, but the danger you are in is the same. If you cannot persuade Obsle or Yegey to let you make radio contact with your ship, so that the people aboard it can while remaining safe lend some support to your statements, then I think you should use your own instrument, the ansible, and call the ship down at once. The risk it will run is less than the risk you are now running, alone.’

‘The Commensals’ debates concerning any messages have been kept secret. How do you know about my “statements”, Mr. Harth?’

‘Because I have made it my life’s business to know—’

‘But it is not your business here, sir. It is up to the Commensals of Orgoreyn.’

‘I tell you that you’re in danger of your life, Mr. Ai,’ I said; to that he said nothing, and I left him.

I should have spoken to him days ago. It is too late. Fear undoes his mission and my hope, once more. Not fear of the alien, the unearthly, not here. These Orgota have not the wits nor size of spirit to fear what is truly and immensely strange. They cannot even see it. They look at the man from another world and see what? a spy from Karhide, a pervert, an agent, a sorry little political Unit like themselves.

If he does not send for the ship at once it will be too late; it may be already too late.

It is my fault. I have done nothing right.


From The Sayings of Tuhulme the High Priest, a book of the Yomesh Canon, composed in North Orgoreyn about 900 years ago.

Meshe is the Centre of Time. That moment of his life when he saw all things clearly came when he had lived on earth thirty years, and after it he lived on earth again thirty years, so that the Seeing befell in the centre of his life. And all the ages up until the Seeing were as long as the ages will be after the Seeing, which befell in the Centre of Time. And in the Centre there is no time past and no time to come. In all time past it is. In all time to come it is. It has not been nor yet will it be. It is. It is all.

Nothing is unseen.

The poor man of Sheney came to Meshe lamenting that he had not food to give the child of his flesh, nor grain to sow, for the rains had rotted the seed in the ground and all the folk of his hearth starved. Meshe said, ‘Dig in the stone-fields of Tuerresh, and you will find there a treasure of silver and precious stones; for I see a king bury it there, ten thousand years ago, when a neighbouring king presses feud upon him.’

The poor man of Sheney dug in the moraines of Tuerresh and unearthed where Meshe pointed a great hoard of ancient jewels, and at sight of it he shouted aloud for joy. But Meshe standing by wept at the sight of it, saying, ‘I see a man kill his hearth-brother for one of those carven stones. That is ten thousand years from Copyright 2016 - 2024