The Left Hand Of Darkness (Hainish Cycle #4) - Ursula K. Le Guin Page 0,48

he could not see his way, nor where to set his skis. Slowly he went for fear of rotten ice, yet in haste, because the cold was at his bones and before long he would not be able to move. He saw at last a light before him in the night and fog. He cast off his skis, for the lakeshore was rough going and bare of snow in places. His legs would not well hold him up any more, and he struggled as best he could to the light. He was far astray from the way to Ebos. This was a small house set by itself in a forest of the thore-trees that are all the woods of Kerm Land, and they grew close all about the house and no taller than its roof. He beat at the door with his hands and called aloud, and one opened the door and brought him into firelight.

There was no one else there, only this one person alone. He took Estraven’s clothes off him that were like clothes of iron with the ice, and put him naked between furs, and with the warmth of his own body drove out the frost from Estraven’s feet and hands and face, and gave him hot ale to drink. At last the young man was recovered, and looked on the one who cared for him.

This was a stranger, young as himself. They looked at each other. Each of them was comely, strong of frame and fine of feature, straight and dark. Estraven saw that the fire of kemmer was in the face of the other.

He said, ‘I am Arek of Estre.’

The other said, ‘I am Therem of Stok.’

Then Estraven laughed, for he was still weak, and said, ‘Did you warm me back to life in order to kill me, Stokven?’

The other said, ‘No.’

He put out his hand and touched Estraven’s hand, as if he were making certain that the frost was driven out. At the touch, though Estraven was a day or two from his kemmer, he felt the fire waken in himself. So for a while both held still, their hands touching.

‘They are the same,’ said Stokven, and laying his palm against Estraven’s showed it was so: their hands were the same in length and form, finger by finger, matching like the two hands of one man laid palm to palm.

‘I have never seen you before,’ Stokven said. ‘We are mortal enemies.’ He rose, and built up the fire in the hearth, and returned to sit by Estraven.

‘We are mortal enemies,’ said Estraven. ‘I would swear kemmering with you.’

‘And I with you,’ said the other. Then they vowed kemmering to each other, and in Kerm Land then as now that vow of faithfulness is not to be broken, not to be replaced. That night, and the day that followed, and the night that followed, they spent in the hut in the forest by the frozen lake. On the next morning a party of men from Stok came to the hut. One of them knew young Estraven by sight. He said no word and gave no warning but drew his knife, and there in Stokven’s sight stabbed Estraven in the throat and chest, and the young man fell across the cold hearth in his blood, dead.

‘He was the heir of Estre,’ the murderer said.

Stokven said, ‘Put him on your sledge, and take him to Estre for burial.’

He went back to Stok. The men set off with Estraven’s body on the sledge, but they left it far in the thorn-forest for wild beasts to eat, and returned that night to Stok. Therem stood up before his parent in the flesh, Lord Harish rem ir Stokven, and said to the men, ‘Did you do as I bid you?’ They answered, ‘Yes.’ Therem said, ‘You lie, for you would never have come back alive from Estre. These men have disobeyed my command and lied to hide their disobedience: I ask their banishment.’ Lord Harish granted it, and they were driven out of hearth and law.

Soon after this Therem left his domain, saying that he wished to indwell at Rotherer Fastness for a time, and he did not return to Stok until a year had passed.

Now in the Domain of Estre they sought for Arek in mountain and plain, and then mourned for him: bitter the mourning through summer and autumn, for he had been the lord’s one child of the flesh. But in the end of the month Thern Copyright 2016 - 2024