Learning to Trust - M.A. Innes Page 0,25

it hard sometimes.

He looked over at me and tried to seem very serious. “Just one episode, though. I really should clean the bathroom later and we need to talk about chores.”

We had the cleanest apartment I’d ever seen—he clearly needed more hobbies.

“We’ll see.” Smiling, I gave him a very good I’m so innocent look and turned toward the TV.

He snorted but didn’t argue, so I had a feeling he was planning on letting me talk him into at least one more episode. Considering my options, TV was better than a chore chart, so I was going to be very convincing.


“No, honestly it wasn’t that bad.” Relaxing back into the booth, I shrugged. “I know a lot of people have it bad in foster care. I met some kids who got totally fucked over. But my foster families were distant but not terrible.”

Leon nodded, but the way his face tightened said he still didn’t like my answer. He was a born worrier. It was kind of sweet. “I guess it was a bit like my family. My parents are both busy and didn’t have time to focus on a kid.”

It was my turn to wince. “Yeah, sounds like you got screwed over too.”

He seemed to force a smile. “Yes, but we’re making up for it now, and that’s what counts.”

Then his smile actually widened into a legit grin. “I have Destin as…my little brother, I guess you could say, and you finally have privacy.”

I chuckled. “Which I greatly appreciate.”

Leon smiled. “Sometimes I question what I’ve gained, but Destin usually has very good intentions.”

“He’s funny.” And might be an interesting little to play with if I ever worked up the nerve to talk to him about it.

“That he is.” Leon nodded toward the table. “But changing the topic, how was your spaghetti?”

Perfect because it was the best restaurant food ever. It was a fun little food but it was another thing like cereal that grown-ups could eat too.

“It was great.” Smiling, I gestured toward his lasagna. “How was your dinner?”

“Great.” His smile faded, but he still looked relaxed. “You had a good idea.”

I had to fight the urge to squirm. I liked it when he praised me, but that wasn’t really the most grown-up reaction, so I had to force myself to sit still and smile. “Thanks. Italian is one of my favorites.”

He nodding, holding back more laughter. “I’ve noticed.”

Rolling my eyes, I tried not to blush. I knew what he was dancing around. “So I like takeout.”

He snorted. “It’s beyond just liking takeout.”

Giving in to the urge to smile, I shrugged. “But you seem to be doing your best to fix that. Veggie omelet for breakfast and salad for lunch…I’m seeing a pattern here.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” He gave a careless shrug like he had no idea what I was talking about. “I like vegetables.”

Refusing to laugh, I shook my head. “Oh no, it’s like my homework. You’ve decided that I need a keeper or it’s some kind of project.”

Leon groaned. “I wouldn’t put it that way. Yes, I noticed your eating habits. But I like cooking and I don’t mind sharing, so it works out for us both.”

Yeah, that wasn’t believable at all.

“You like cooking, huh?” I took a sip of my water to keep from laughing. “I can see that.”

He huffed, but I could see the laughter in his eyes again. He liked looking stern, but he really found a lot of things funny. He just didn’t always give in. But that was a Daddy for you…had to be serious and in control.

“Keep it up and no more desserts for you.”

I knew he was teasing, but the words just popped out of my mouth. “Yes, Daddy.”

Oh shit.

Trying to laugh it off, I forced a smile. “Channeling Destin is too easy.”

He made a low hum of agreement like he was going to play it off too, but after a few seconds, he sat up. Watching me closely, he cocked his head. “That’s not it, though, is it? I mean, I’ll accept that if you tell me to, but I think there’s something more.”

Before I could even begin to decide what to say, he sat back in his seat. “But if you tell me to drop it, I will. I’ll respect your privacy and we’ll leave it at that.”

I could almost feel the corner I was metaphorically backed into.

I knew he’d let me drop it if I wanted that and he’d never bring it up again. That was the

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