Learning to Trust - M.A. Innes Page 0,14

one thing to do to solve both problems.

Picking up the phone, I gave one last glance at the closed door, then sighed. It was time to pull out the big guns. Dialing, I smiled when Destin’s excited voice came over the phone. “Hi. I thought you were going to study?”

I should be studying, but that was beside the point.

“I thought about what you said earlier and decided a movie night would be fun. Why don’t you grab a waffle maker on the way over and I’ll make some for us?” His squeal had me pulling the phone away from my ear.

“Oh, make chocolate chip ones or ones with whipped cream or—”

I jumped in before he could get us too far off track. “I’m going to make apple pie waffles. So you just need to grab something like one of the Belgian waffle makers and I’ll get everything else ready.”

“Oh, that sounds really good.” He was quiet for a few seconds before I heard thumps and a quiet, “Oh shit.”

“Sorry, dropped the phone.”

Trying not to laugh, I did my best to keep my voice even. “Don’t kill yourself. Is it going to be okay with Ray and Avery?”

“Avery has to work late and Ray went out with some friends.” He sighed like he was being tortured. “He tried to make me come, but they were going to watch some kind of game and it sounded painful. I was going to find some cartoons instead, but this is even better.”

“Text them and let them know you’re going to be over here.” Now that I finally had a television, we’d have something to do when he came over; however, making Ray and Avery worry was not at the top of my list.

“This is going to be great.” His excitement was starting to make me nervous.

“We’re just going to make dinner and watch movies.” There was something about his voice.

“I know.” He was entirely too eager. “It’s going to be fun. We haven’t had a guys’ night out in ages.”

He was partially right. “We went out to the movies and dinner several times.”

But that wasn’t what Destin meant. “But we haven’t hung out or done anything like what we used to before hell boy moved in.”

Yeah, okay, so he was right about that. “I know. We’re going to start making up for that.”

Part of me had assumed that Destin would steer his life in a different direction when he’d moved in with Avery and Ray because that’s what most people seemed to do. But Destin never did anything like what I expected.

According to him, I was family and that was that.

“With waffles and movies.” He was still hiding something.

“You already bought a waffle maker, didn’t you?” Damn it. “I’m not making you penis waffles.”

“Aww.” His sigh was so dramatic I knew it wasn’t real. “It just came in today. It looks like so much fun.”

Good grief.

“No penises.” That was just…disturbing.

He huffed. “Straight guys eat penises too.”

Dear god, how was I supposed to respond to that?

“Straight or gay has nothing to do with it.” Besides, I was pretty sure there were a lot of options other than that anyway. “I’m not making you penis waffles. Bribe your Daddy.”

He giggled. “That’s Plan B. I’m going to—”

“If you finish that sentence, I’m going to make you eat an omelet with spinach and asparagus and pepper jack cheese for dinner.” None of which were his favorite things.

The brat actually gagged. “Gross.”

Refusing to laugh, I pulled out my don’t be ridiculous voice. “Destin.”

He groaned, but the gagging stopped. “You really have a great Dom voice. I didn’t notice it until Ray started using his to get me all hot and bothered.”

Good grief.

“That is more than I needed to know.” He shared things like that to make me squirm, so the best thing I could do was not react.

That wasn’t as easy as it sounded with him, however.

“But I’m so creative and you’re going to—”

I cut him off again. “Destin. Do not finish that sentence.”

He clearly hadn’t been spanked enough lately.

And just thinking that made my head ache.

He giggled. “One day you’re going to find the perfect girl and fall head over heels and I’m going to love teasing you.”

I wouldn’t advise him to hold his breath on that one.

“Waffles. If you want waffles—”

He jumped in that time. “Fine, I’ll be good. I’ve got more waffle makers. I’ll bring them over and be there in a minute. I’m over at Avery’s.”

Then the brat hung up.

Looking at the phone, I frowned.

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