Learning Curves - By Elyse Mady Page 0,52

to gaze upon the newest arrivals. Her expression clearly reflected displeasure at being upstaged by her husband’s previous knowledge of this new romance.

“Hello, darling,” her mother said, giving her a restrained hug and taking the opportunity to correct an errant curl. “I was wondering when I’d finally get to meet this new mystery man of yours. Your father has been raving about his dinner out with the three of you all week. I guess you were too busy with school to keep me up to date on your life.” She sighed dramatically and Leanne fought an urge to bolt.

“And you must Leanne’s new boyfriend.”

“Brandon Myles. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Galloway,” Brandon said politely. Leanne noted he carefully avoided confirming the title with his noncommittal greeting.

“Brandon.” Her father interrupted the uncomfortable silence. “You don’t have a drink. What can I get you? Leanne?”

“Rye and Coke.”

“White wine for me, Dad.”

“Lovely. I’ll be right back.”

“Hurry,” Leanne said as she watched her father make his way to the open bar. It sounded more like a fervent prayer than a polite request.

Brandon hadn’t missed the resemblance between Leanne and her father when they’d met at the theater. His eyes, his kind smile, his intelligent gaze all evident in his daughter’s face. But now, seeing Leanne next to her mother, he could see from whom she’d inherited her grace and dark beauty.

He studied the middle-aged woman standing across from him. Instead of Leanne’s riotous curls, her hair was cut short and carefully styled. She moved with the agility of the dancer her husband claimed she’d been in her younger days, and her figure was still trim and attractive.

But it was in her eyes and hands that he saw the greatest resemblance between mother and daughter. They shared the same deep brown eyes, wide and almond shaped, and her hands displayed the same the same slim-fingered elegance.

She’d shaken his hand politely enough, he supposed, but there’d been no mistaking her top-to-bottom appraisal. She taken in everything, from his shined shoes to his pressed dress shirt, and though her eyes had narrowed, she contained their conversation to wedding chitchat.

“Have you met the happy couple yet?”

“No, although Larry introduced us to Paul and Barbara earlier.”

“I’ve known Barb for more than forty years. Gillian’s like a second daughter to Larry and me.”

Beside him, Leanne stiffened, her fingers tightening around his palm, but she didn’t dispute her mother’s claim.

“It certainly sounds like it’s going to be a very nice wedding,” he replied diplomatically.

“Barb never does anything by half measures, and Paul’s real estate success means she never has to.

“Let me introduce you. It looks like Larry’s going to be a while getting your drinks.” She turned, and Brandon and Leanne followed dutifully until she was standing beside a tall man and a glamorous woman in dizzying heels with a perfect, model-like figure.

The couple turned and the man smiled widely. “Sandra. Great to see you again.”

Planting a kiss on the groom-to-be’s cheek, she embraced Gillian with familiarity.

“Aunt Sandy,” Gillian enthused. “And Leanne. How nice.”

That it was anything but nice for either Leanne or Gillian was clear to Brandon but Sandra Galloway seemed immured to the tension simmering between the two young women.

“Jeremy, I know you’ve met my daughter, Leanne, before.”

“Many times. How are you?”

“Very well, thanks, Jeremy.”

“And this is my daughter’s friend, Brandon Myles.”

“Jeremy Fields.”

Brandon shook the other man’s hand, keeping his expression neutral when a Rolex peeped out from his immaculate French cuff. He’d bet a night of tips that Jeremy hadn’t picked the timepiece up for forty bucks at the nearest flea market. Not bad for someone who couldn’t be more than thirty-one or thirty-two.

“And our lovely goddaughter, Gillian.”

Brandon recognized her from the photo on the card she’d slipped him at the club. In person, she was even prettier than the tiny image had suggested. Her blond hair was styled into long, tousled curls. Her makeup played up her wide blue eyes. Her turquoise dress looked expensive and displayed an enticing amount of cleavage. Overall, the entire package had been meticulously crafted to convey an undeniable aura of sex appeal.

But her effort was wasted on Brandon. She’d shown her true colors when she tried to hire his services. Her readiness to betray the man she was about to marry didn’t sit well with him. Of course, he doubted she’d ever connect him with the dancer who stripped at her bachelorette party.

If Jeremy’s besotted look was any indication, she’d gone to great pains to hide her true nature from her

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