Learning Curves - By Elyse Mady Page 0,40

it back up with teasing slowness.

“Lee-annne,” he pleaded, his eyes desperate, his body tense. “Come inside with me. Now.”

“For coffee?” she teased, stroking his cock with undeniable intent.

He groaned. “So I can fuck you again the way I’ve been dreaming of since the night we met.”

She smiled victoriously, elated by his precarious state, and ignored the voice asking her if she was really sure about all this. Hell yes, I’m sure! For once in her life, she wasn’t going to let the moment escape her because she overanalyzed it.

She nodded and he gave the latch a tremendous wrench. The door opened and she clambered out. He followed, his erection making his movements stiff and awkward. But she was touched again by his thoughtfulness when he reached back inside the car for her purse. His hand closed around hers and he dragged her up the stairs toward his place, his eagerness only fueling her own excitement.

He unlocked the door with unsteady hands, and Leanne staggered under the impact of her desire. She wanted this. Right now. She was going to take the passion on offer with both hands and hold on as long as she could.

Chapter Nine

Brandon was going to explode.

Here, in his pants, next to his ten-speed, in his narrow hallway. Next to his ten-speed and just down from his closet.

And it was all Leanne Galloway’s fault.

She was driving him out of his ever-loving mind. Her hands. Her mouth. Her ass. He’d been aware of her beside him in the restaurant, his need simmering and bubbling, burning hotter with every saucy glance, every burst of unabashed laughter, every brush of her long hair.

He was shaking, he was so damn aroused, his cock like granite, his balls quivering. She writhed, her pelvis grinding against him in a bawdy come-on. He couldn’t get enough of her. His mouth latched on to her pink lips and their tongues dueled, the wet exchange only serving to inflame him further. He had to slow down or it would be over too soon.

“Slowly,” he pleaded.

Leanne scoffed. “Slow is for people who don’t know what they want.” She licked his neck. “Tonight, I want it fast and hard.”

“I can—” he cleared his throat, “—I can do that.”

Understatement of the century. She touched and caressed him, ravaging his senses, exploring his body, his shoulders, his chest. He tried to resist, to moderate the pace, but she was implacable. She reached his waistband and her hands slipped underneath the blue fabric. Her hands were chilly and the shock of them against his burning skin only made him hotter.


There was no denying her. Her voice, low and sultry in day-to-day conversation, was even smokier now. It wrapped around his brain and his resistance vanished.

He attacked his buttons with a ferocity that made her giggle even as she gasped at the sight of his chest. The awe in her eyes as he tugged the shirt down elicited an unexpected quiver of pride. He was used to being ogled for his body. Used to thinking of it as a tool, a means to achieve his goals and nothing more. But Leanne’s gaze discomfited him. She wanted him. This funny, intelligent, classy woman was looking at him like she’d never seen anything so wonderful or enticing in her entire life. The sensation made him lightheaded.

He wasn’t unique.

He wasn’t special.

She’d learn the truth too, but for right now, he was powerless to do anything but bask in her regard.

“So beautiful.” She brushed against his flat nipple and her head dipped, white teeth closing around the sensitive tip. He jerked, need winnowing through him,

He had to have her.


He swept her into his arms, nearly running down the narrow hall in his eagerness. He shouldered open the bedroom door and they tumbled onto the futon in a tangle of arms and legs and laughter.

“Seems I’m not the only who thinks fast is a good idea.”

“It’s all your fault,” he responded. “You’re just so sexy that all I can think about when I’m with you is how soon I can get you naked.”

Her face lit with an emotion he couldn’t identify. “Seriously?”

He stopped for a moment, his shirt hanging off his torso. “Seriously.”

When she smiled, he felt as though he’d won a prize. He wrenched off his shirt. To hell with the buttons. The only thing he was interested in getting his hands on was Leanne, naked, warm and willing.

There were no more words as they tore off their clothes, hands clutching at belts and zippers, shoes

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