Layover (Open Skies #1) - Becca Jameson Page 0,76

moment later, the water came back on. He was adding hot water to the tub.

She was the luckiest woman on earth.


One month later…

Jason was yanked out of sleep when the bed shifted and Libby’s gasp filled the room. He immediately turned toward her, finding her sitting upright, her chest rising and falling.

He set his hand on her back to help ground her. This was a frequent occurrence. The nightmares. For the first few weeks after her kidnapping, she’d woken up screaming at least once a night. In the last few weeks, her nightmares had become less frequent.

“I’m right here, Libby,” he soothed, letting his hand slide up her back. “You’re okay.”

She turned toward him, drawing in a long deep breath before lowering onto the bed, facing him. “Sorry.” She set a hand on his cheek.

“Don’t be sorry, baby girl. I’ve got you.” He pulled her closer so that their bodies were aligned and brushed the hair from her forehead. He could see her perfectly well since he’d put a nightlight in the room weeks ago.

She rarely slept at her condo anymore. In fact, the lease was almost up, and she would be moving in with him permanently soon. “That one was different. You didn’t scream. Want to talk about it?”

Her brow was furrowed for a moment and then she surprised him with a slow smile. “It wasn’t the abduction. It was my mother this time.”

He groaned. “Your mother? You stress out about her enough when you’re awake. Now she’s infiltrating your dreams?” They’d come a long way in the past month. Maria Garcia had even been civil toward Jason. She’d even looked him in the eye a few times without scowling. He knew she still wasn’t pleased with his existence, but she kept her mouth shut. Her gratitude for his part in rescuing Libby outweighed her ingrained dislike for his skin color and country of origin.

Libby sighed and wiggled even closer to Jason. “We were at the dinner table, and she pretended to accidentally spill most of the pot of coffee on your lap.”

He chuckled. They were going to Libby’s parents’ house for dinner tomorrow night. It wasn’t surprising that Libby was anxious about it. Her mother would undoubtedly say something that would get under Libby’s skin. “I’ll be sure to put my napkin in my lap to protect my skin just in case,” he joked.

She groaned. “I hate that she gets under my skin.”

Jason rubbed her back. “Baby girl, she’s your mom. They are supposed to get under your skin. She’s come a long way. Last time we went over there, she didn’t growl at me a single time. She even offered me a glass of water.”

Libby drew in a breath, holding my gaze. “I love you. Thanks for putting up with me.”

Jason flattened his palm between her shoulder blades and kissed her lips. “I love you too, and I’d put up with anything as long as I have you in my life. Are we going to tell her you’re moving in?”

Libby smiled and wiggled her eye brows. “Already did.”

Jason gasped, his eyes going wide. “You did? You told her? When?”

“The other day when I went by to get my photo albums. Slipped it right into the conversation like it was no big deal. You’d think I was an adult and all,” she teased.

He was stunned and pleased. “How’d she take it?”

Libby shrugged. “She didn’t say a word for a while and then changed the subject. I think she decided to pretend I never spoke. It’s possible she won’t acknowledge it at any point, but the important thing is that I told her. I left your address on the kitchen table too. At least she has it and knows where to find me.”

“I’m proud of you.” Jason pressed his lips to hers again, this time deepening the kiss as he rolled her to her back and threaded their fingers together. She had no idea how happy it made him that she’d taken the initiative and told her mom about her upcoming move.

He loved Libby to pieces, and every gesture she made like that reminded him that she loved him too. All he asked for was for her to put him first, and she did. Every day.

They were also planning a trip to visit his parents in Iowa soon. His mother was thrilled to learn that he had a serious girlfriend. Jason couldn’t wait to bring her home and share that side of him with the woman he loved.

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