Layover (Open Skies #1) - Becca Jameson Page 0,7

closed as he picked up the pace, pursing his lips and gripping her hands tighter. She doubted he realized how firm his hold was. She didn’t care. Her hands might be sore tomorrow. It would be worth it.

Jason’s lips parted on a gasp, telling her he was close. Just when she thought he would orgasm, he stopped moving, holding his erection deep, grinding the base against her clit. “Come, baby girl. I want to feel your orgasm around my cock before I release.” He pressed harder against her with his words.

She shattered, as if his command were capable of making her orgasm. Her pussy gripped at his erection, pulsing around him while her vision swam and nothing but white-hot pleasure filled her body.

Seconds later, he moved, faster, harder, deeper. And then he gasped, holding himself fully buried in her, his forehead landing on the mattress next to her face. His entire body jerked with his orgasm. She swore she could feel the pulses of his cock.

Time stood still, the earth shifting a bit on its axis as Libby fully grasped the seriousness of this situation.

She’d meant to have a one-night stand with a man in uniform. A pleasant fuck with a white guy who was tall and buff and built.

She wasn’t going to see him again. He lived in Fort Hood, when he was in town. He was active military. She lived in Dallas. A flight attendant with a busy schedule and a family who would never hear of this interlude and would look down upon her with scorn if they ever found out.

She put those thoughts out of her mind. For now, she just wanted to savor this experience as long as she could. Every moment of it.

Chapter 2

“You just snuck out?” Christa asked as the two of them shoved their suitcases in the back of her SUV early the following morning.

“What was I supposed to do? He was dead asleep. The sun wasn’t even up,” Libby told her friend as she stepped out of the way so Bex and Shayla could add their overnight bags to the mix.

Shayla leaned over the suitcases to push everything to one side. Ironically, at five-eight, she was the tallest of the four of them. Ironic only because she was half-Asian. Her mother was barely taller than Libby. Her father, on the other hand, was a six-foot-two white man. Shayla was graced with a few extra inches thanks to him. She was also graced with the most gorgeous skin, hair, and eyes. They all envied her. She tucked her long, pin-straight hair behind her ear as she righted herself. “So he never even knew about your full-on walk of shame,” she teased.

Bex, the quietest of them all, managed a giggle. “I still can’t believe you had sex with a man you met twenty-four hours earlier. I’d never have balls that big.”

Libby shrugged, glancing at the front of the hotel. She wanted the four of them to pull away before Jason woke up and found her gone. She half-expected him to come out the front door any second, looking for her.

As soon as they were all situated inside the SUV, Christa driving, Libby in the front passenger seat, Bex and Shayla behind her, Libby blew out a sigh of relief.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re in a rush to escape?” Christa asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“Not escape, really. Just… I don’t know what I’m doing.” Libby wasn’t kidding. She was still trembling from everything that had happened, not even close to processing her feelings. Unexpected was all she could come up with so far.

“He seemed incredibly nice and totally into you. Did he suck between the sheets?” Christa asked.

Libby laughed. “God no. Best sex of my life, hands down. I’m seriously ruined for all other men.”

“And how is this a problem?” Bex asked.

“I’m worried about shaking him from my mind is all.”

Shayla grabbed Libby’s seat from behind. “Why do you have to?”

Libby sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back. “You know how my parents are. My mom would have a stroke if she found out I wasted my time even dancing with Jason. If she thought I had feelings for him, she would drop dead on the spot.”

“You have feelings for him?” Bex’s voice rose.

Libby shook her head. “No. Of course not. I mean…no. It was good sex. That’s all. How could I have feelings for a man I exchanged less than a dozen words Copyright 2016 - 2024