Layover (Open Skies #1) - Becca Jameson Page 0,55

my parents the truth.”

Javier sighed. “I hear ya. One year, about five years ago, I had a serious girlfriend who was Asian. When my parents told my grandparents, you’d think they had announced that I was in love with a blue alien from another planet.”

Libby laughed. “That’s what I’m worried about. I dated a Mexican once and didn’t even tell them because I knew they would lose their shit.”

Javier chuckled. “Gasp. How could you?” he joked.

Libby relaxed. “What happened with your girlfriend?”

He winced. “I didn’t bring her to Dallas with me for Christmas, and she broke up with me. She was totally right. I should have stayed home with her or faced my grandparents, but I was weak and didn’t feel like rocking the boat.”

Libby cringed. “Yeah, the clock is ticking with Jason, too. In fact, I told him I was going to face my parents tonight. I came to the house ready to lay it all out.”

“And then you found a houseful of people.” He blew out a breath. “I’m so sorry.”

“Not your fault.”

“You seem like a very nice woman. Jason is lucky to have you. For what it’s worth, I think you should confront your parents and stand by your man. After all, your future is not with your mom and dad. You need to spend it with someone you love. Don’t make the mistake I made and let it go on much longer.”

“You’re right.” She sat up straighter and smiled. “Thanks for the pep talk. I needed a kick in the pants.”

Chapter 24

Jason spent most of Saturday pacing his empty living room, worrying about Libby and her conversation with her parents. He knew she was going to their house for dinner at six, and he kept glancing at the clock, wondering when she might call him and stressing over the thought of her facing them alone.

She didn’t have to do that. He would have gone with her. No matter what, he should be at her side. After all, it was on his insistence that she was even confronting them in the first place.

At five-thirty, he decided to join her. She hadn’t invited him, but he figured her decision to go alone was out of embarrassment. He could handle her parents. No matter what happened, he wanted to be by Libby’s side, not sitting at home waiting like a wuss.

What kind of boyfriend would let his girlfriend face a challenge on her own? It suddenly seemed ridiculous, so he grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter and rushed out the door. He figured he could still catch her before she left her condo and drive her to her parents himself.

Instead, he hit every red light and was disappointed to see her car wasn’t out in front of her condo. He jogged to the door anyway, hoping Christa would be home.

Christa opened the door, her expression confused. “Libby isn’t here.”

“I know. She’s having dinner with her parents. I should have gone with her. Do you have their address?”

Christa’s mouth fell open and then she closed it. “You think that’s a good idea? I’ve met her parents. They’re not very…”

He nodded. “I know. I’m aware. But I’m the one who insisted she tell them about me. I should have gone with her.”

Christa licked her lips. “I agree, and that’s incredibly nice of you. I’ll go grab the address. Come on in.”

She spun around and headed for the kitchen area as Jason stepped inside.

A minute later she returned, holding out a piece of paper. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Libby. She’s head over heels for you.” She handed him the address. “If you have any brothers or friends who are as doting as you are, give them my number.” Her pale cheeks turned red and she glanced away after she spoke, embarrassed.

“I do in fact. Not brothers, but friends. If you don’t mind, I’ll give my friend Mack your number.”

She pursed her lips and nodded, her face turning redder. Finally, she smiled at him. “Go. Hunt down Libby and show her how much you care.”

“Thank you.” He turned and rushed back to his SUV at a jog.

His hands were shaking as he fumbled with the door and then headed toward the address on the paper. He could have used the GPS tracker on her phone to locate her, but she’d be moving right now. He didn’t want to wait until she arrived to leave her condo.

When he pulled up to the house Copyright 2016 - 2024