Layover (Open Skies #1) - Becca Jameson Page 0,45

know. Especially with the mysterious roses and all.”

“Shit. I forgot to tell you the roses came from Eddie. Surely he wouldn’t send a package this morning after our confrontation last night. I made myself super clear.”

“I could open it if you want?”

Jason reached for the phone and took it from Libby. “Christa, don’t open it. I’ll come over and check it out.” He handed the phone back to Libby, kissed her forehead, and left the room in a hurry.

“Shit,” Libby muttered into the phone.

Christa sighed dramatically. “He’s gone all Rambo on you, hasn’t he?”

“It would seem so.”

“That’s so romantic.”

“I’m not sure about that. It’s probably overkill. It’s just a package. We don’t even know who it’s from yet.”

“There’s no name on the box. Other than yours, I mean.”

“Guess we’ll be there in a bit then.”

“See you soon.”

Chapter 18

Jason followed Libby to her townhouse, doing his best to talk himself off the precarious ledge. There was no reason to get freaked out about a package. Hell, maybe Libby had ordered something and forgotten about it. Could be anything. There was no reason to believe it was from Eddie and that he refused to accept no for an answer.

When they arrived, he followed Libby inside. Christa was in the kitchen, sipping coffee. She pointed at the box on the table.

Jason had his hands fisted at his sides as he stared at it. Libby stepped in front of him and flattened her palms on his chest. “I’m sure it’s no big deal.” Her words were soft. She was trying to placate him.

He met her gaze, frowning. “I just got out of the Army. Nothing in my world is no big deal. Let’s judge that after I open it.” He narrowed his gaze. “You don’t mind if I open it, do you?”

She shook her head. “Not at all. But I also don’t think it warrants the stress you feel, as if it’s a bomb.”

He ran a hand down his face. She was right. Part of him was just pissed that this guy wouldn’t leave her alone. If the box was from Eddie, there was a good chance Jason would hunt the guy down, and he was in no mood to be kind about it. Enough was enough.

Libby stepped back and turned to face the box. It was long and flat. Like a shirt box but larger. She lifted it. “It doesn’t weigh much.”

Jason took it from her hands. “May I?”

She nodded.

Christa sat across from them, her hand on her chest. He was pretty sure she was about to swoon, and it had nothing to do with the box. Her gaze was on him.

He took out his pocket knife and ran it along the sides to cut the tape. When the lid was freed, he pulled it off. He saw delicate tissue paper first, and then Libby reached over and parted the white paper to reveal black material and a note on top.

Her fingers were shaking as she lifted the note first and opened it.

Jason unapologetically leaned over her shoulder to read along while Libby read it out loud.

Libertad, I’m so sorry about our misunderstanding. I shouldn’t have shown up last night without making sure you knew I was coming. It was insensitive of me. When I saw this dress, I thought of you. Please accept it as my way of apologizing. Hopefully, you can forgive me and let me take you out on a real date this weekend. No friends. No parents. Just the two of us.

There was a good chance flames were coming out of Jason’s head. “Is this guy fucking for real?”

Libby lifted the silk dress out of the box and held it up. “My God.”

“That’s more like lingerie,” Christa commented. She leaned forward and picked up the tag. “Shit. This cost a fortune. Look at the brand.”

The brand meant nothing to Jason, but the fact that some other man had thought it appropriate to buy his woman a gift—let alone something this fucking sexy—made his blood boil.

Libby spun it around. The back was bare. She wouldn’t even be able to wear a bra with it. Finally, she dropped it into the box and put the lid back on. She lifted her gaze to Jason. “I’ll talk to him this morning.”

He shook his head. “Not a chance. You’re done talking to him. I’ll talk to him. Do you have his address? Give me every piece of information you have on him.”

Libby drew in a breath. “I don’t have his address. Just a Copyright 2016 - 2024