Layover (Open Skies #1) - Becca Jameson Page 0,18

mixed drink, but the first night we were together we’d had a few drinks, and last night you’d been drinking too. Tonight, I thought we’d be ourselves. Is that okay?”

“Of course.” This entire scene was so domestic. Like a regular date. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but since her only interactions with Jason had been sexual, part of her thought he might strip her naked the moment she arrived and have her on her knees sucking him off before saying a word.

That scenario was oddly not unwelcome either. She’d visualized it many times since the night they met. She’d probably exaggerated what their dynamic might be if they ever fucked again. Her fantasies had gotten carried away. But the thought of giving this giant of a man a blow job under his command had been the fodder of many of her daydreams. Most of them, in fact.

She shuddered.

Jason was standing on the other side of the island still, but he reached across and clasped her hand in his. When she lifted her gaze, he was smiling at her warmly. “I’m not going to ask what you were just thinking, but it must have been amazing.”

She flinched. “How the hell did you even know I was thinking at all?”

“Your gaze roamed up and down my torso, lingering at my waist, and then you squirmed in your seat while you licked your lips. It wasn’t hard to discern.”

She jerked her gaze down to her root beer and then tugged her hand out of his clasp. “Can we just eat?”

He chuckled. “Yes.” He slid two slices of pizza onto a plate and handed it to her before rounding the island and taking a seat on the stool next to hers and serving himself. He sat sideways and spun her just enough to trap one of her knees between both of his. “So, tell me how on earth you were on a date with a man your mom set you up with.”

She groaned. “That’s where you want to start this conversation?” She didn’t really want to talk about her mom. Or Eddie.

“Yep. I already know what you do for a living. You’re a flight attendant. I’m sure you have hundreds of work stories, and I’d love to hear all of them, but I want to know about your family first.”

She drew in a long breath and met his gaze. “Is this a date? Like a real date?”

He flinched, his eyes narrowing. “Uhhh… I thought so. Does that bother you?”

She licked her lips, trying to figure out how to respond. “No. It’s just unexpected. I didn’t know you were going to feed me and ask me personal questions.”

He frowned, nodding slowly. “Okay. I get that. It makes sense. Both of our previous encounters have been hot and heavy. And, don’t get me wrong, I hope this one ends up that way too. But I thought I should take a step back and get to know you.” He reached out and took her chin. “I like you, Libby. It’s true you make my cock so hard I can barely concentrate every time I’m around you, but sex isn’t the only thing I want from you. I can tell you’re a strong woman with a firm head on your shoulders. I thought it might be nice to delve into that brain of yours before I lure you to my bedroom and make you scream my name.”

She glanced away, causing him to lose his touch on her chin. She honestly hadn’t expected this. It was so…personal. And intimate. Like a date. And apparently it was a date. Not just a fuck.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re disappointed?”

She swallowed and lifted her gaze. She needed to be honest with him. “Not disappointed. Just a little stunned. I’m not exactly available for more than the fucking. It’s all I have to give you.” She cringed when he flinched again.

He stared at her and then slowly chuckled, but he didn’t seem angry, just surprised. In fact, he leaned in closer and set a hand on her thigh. “How did we switch roles? Those are usually my lines. I’ve never had a woman tell me she wanted to skip the dinner part of the evening and move straight to the fucking.”

Libby picked up her slice of pizza and took a dramatic bite, finding it to be unexpectedly delicious. “Who said anything about skipping dinner?” she asked. “Damn, this is good.” She took another bite.

He laughed and took a large bite Copyright 2016 - 2024