Swallowing Darkness(10)

She smiled, but her eyes stayed worried. "I'll hold you to that. Rest." She pointed her finger at me as if it were some sort of magic to make me do it. Then she went for the door and the nurse trailed after her.


"Where did you send Galen?" I asked.


"He is fetching someone who I thought would help us."


"Who and where from? You didn't send him back into faerie alone?"


"No." Doyle cupped my face in his hands. "I would not risk our green knight. He is one of the fathers and will be a king."


"How is that going to work?" Rhys asked.


"Yes," Sholto said, "how can we all be king?"


"I think the answer is that Merry will be queen," Doyle said.


"That is no answer," Sholto said.


"It's all the answer we have now," Doyle said, and I stared into those black eyes and saw colored lights. Colors of things that were not in this room.


"You are trying to bespell me," I said.


"You need to rest, for the sake of the babies you carry. Let me help you rest."


"You want to bespell me and me to allow it," I said softly.



