
“God, I love it when you do that.”

He ran his hands gently across me, until I writhed for him, wanting him to finish what we’d started. He angled himself toward me, and then used his hands to move my hips slightly so the tip of him could find my opening. Just the feel of him entering me brought a soft sound from me. I loved the feeling of that first push inside.

“Wet, but so tight,” he breathed as he pushed his way inside, and there was that moment when he was buried as deep inside me as he could get and I felt his body pressed as close against mine as he could get. I loved just knowing that we were married as close as it was possible to be; there was just something about it that floated my boat up, down, and sideways.

He began to pull himself out and then push in, finding a rhythm that was fast, but not as fast as he could be, and nowhere near as rough. I was about to tell him to be rougher, but he found just the right angle and began to pump himself over that sweet spot inside me. I didn’t want to protest; I just pressed my face into the pillows and gave myself over to the growing sensation of it. I could feel the delicious weight of the orgasm building as Jason went in and out, over and over that one spot that wasn’t actually that far inside, but you just had to find the right angle, and he’d found it.

My breathing started to speed up, and then from one stroke of his body to the next he spilled me over the edge and I was screaming my orgasm into the pillow, driving my body up onto him, as if in the throes of the orgasm I wanted to fuck him faster, harder. He didn’t fight what I wanted, just grabbed my hips so that he could get a better hold to pound himself into me, because that’s what he did. While I was still riding the orgasm he started fucking me as hard and fast as he could, so that our bodies slapped together. He held my hips tighter so I could no longer move against him, and it was all his body driving us together with a sound as if someone were slapping flesh against flesh, as hard and fast as he could manage it. He was faster and stronger than human-normal, so that was pretty damn fast and hard.

I raised my face out of the pillows so my screams of pleasure were louder, echoing off the headboard, as Jason brought me again and again, and only when my screams had faded to small whimpering sounds of pleasure and I’d started to go boneless sliding back to the bed, not because I wanted to, but because I was beginning to lose control of my body, eyes fluttered closed with the multiple orgasms, only then did he finally thrust himself inside me one long, last time, burying himself as far as he could reach inside me. I felt his body shudder above me, and it made me writhe and make small noises as my body twitched with the pleasure of it all.

I felt him shudder again and half-collapse over me, driving us both into the bed, while he was still inside me. He slipped out by the time we were both flat to the bed, his body still pinning mine, so that I could feel his heart frantic in his chest, the pulse of our bodies roaring with the fierce pleasure of it. I twitched underneath him, unable to move, or open my eyes enough to see, blind with pleasure.

Distantly over the pounding of my own blood in my ears, I heard someone say, “Wow.” I thought it was J.J. but wasn’t sure, and was pretty sure in that moment I didn’t care.

Jason moved slowly, rolling to the side of me, more a controlled fall than getting up. He patted me clumsily somewhere between my back and my ass. “You’re good, good you.” His voice was still breathy.

J.J. was talking. I heard her, but it was like I couldn’t make sense of it. I tried to move my head and look at her, but that seemed like too much trouble, so I settled for raising a hand. It fell back to the bed without doing much, and then an aftershock hit me, so that I was writhing along the bed and making small helpless noises for a few seconds. Lying there and just enjoying the afterglow seemed like such a good idea, so I did that.

Nathaniel’s deeper voice said something like, “Give them a few minutes to recover.”

Yes, that. I voted that. Jason’s hand patted me again, and I fought to turn my head enough to look at him, but I had so much of my own hair spilled across my face that it was just a shine of his blond hair, and the glow of the lamp on the other side of the bed, so that the world seemed edged with light and I couldn’t tell if it was really how the room looked, or if it was still the shiny afterglow; sometimes it made halos of light around everything, even things that didn’t actually have a light shining out of them. Yay, great sex!

I kept waiting for Nathaniel to move closer and touch me, take his turn, but he didn’t. When I could move I’d look around and see what was wrong.

“That was incredibly hot, and if I didn’t love Jason enough to marry him, I’d just want to climb all over both of you and join in, but . . . I think . . . I think I’m intimidated.”

I began to get a clue why Nathaniel hadn’t joined us, because he could see J.J. and I couldn’t. We could have great sex later; emotional hand-holding sometimes had to be done ASAP, or there was no sex later. That made me fight to turn my head more and raise a clumsy hand to push my hair out of my face so I could see better. The room was all shiny golden light, but I still had trouble focusing beyond the top of Jason’s head to J.J., where she sat on the far side of the bed. Nathaniel was nestled in the pillows above us.

Jason found his voice first. “Why? You are great in bed, J.J., and we have amazing sex together.”

“I love making love to you, Jason, but it’s never like this.”

“It is so hot between us,” Jason said.

She nodded. “But it’s not . . . it’s not.” She made a vague gesture in our direction.

“Do you understand what Jason meant about rough now?” Nathaniel asked.

She looked at him. “Yes,” but her eyes were too wide, and her face too unhappy. This could all go so terribly pear-shaped and blow up the happiness they shared. It was always a danger to show this much of the rest of your life to someone who didn’t want to be a part of it; if they freaked out on you, then your two halves of happiness could become one half of happy and another half of serious sad.

I raised my head up enough to say, “Nothing we did takes away from the lovemaking that you and Jason share.”

“If this is the kind of sex he wants, I’ll never be able to do it.”

“I don’t want this rough all the time,” Jason said. “Most of the time lovemaking is what I want.” He sat up, drawing his knees in and wrapping his arms around them. He knew he was in trouble.

“Do you and Anita make love?”

I wanted to say, Danger, Will Robinson, danger!

“Mostly we do this, and I share Anita with Nathaniel, or Jean-Claude. I enjoy sharing with another guy.”

“Nathaniel was very good at oral; you both need shirts that say, Oral skills approved by lesbians!” and she grinned.

Something tight in my chest eased; if she was making jokes, we could work this out.

Jason crawled over the bed toward her. “I love you.”