
I turned to Domino. “Do you crave me like that? I mean, do the others who have found other lovers jones after sex with me like a junkie?”


I felt terrible then.

“Wait, but Anita doesn’t crave them the same way, or she wouldn’t have to ask that question.”

“When the ardeur first came for me I had almost no control over it, so I was bound as tight as the people I fed on, but I got more control of it and I could protect myself from falling in love.”

“I got here too late,” Domino said, and kissed me again to take some of the sting out of the words.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

Nathaniel leaned in from the other side and kissed my cheek. “I’m glad I got here early.”

“It’s not just the ardeur, Anita. I’ve known you longer than Nathaniel, and I was around when the ardeur rose, but we’re not in love, or addicted to each other,” Jason said.

“You were terrified of being consumed by love, and when you became my wolf to call, I sort of incorporated that into the mix, so we were both more free of the emotional stuff, or that’s what Jean-Claude thinks made the difference.”

Jason nodded. “Makes sense. You get some personality traits that seem to switch bodies when you make someone your wereanimal or vampire to call. Jean-Claude has talked about that; he’s more ruthless since he merged with you, and Richard got your anger for a while, so I’m glad you learned to take that back. Our wolf king would have killed someone if he hadn’t learned to give up the fits of rage.”

“I got Jean-Claude’s ardeur, his ability and need to feed off lust, and Richard’s craving for flesh, and both their cravings for blood.”

Envy shuddered. “You don’t get to pick and choose, do you?”

“Not at all,” I said.

She shivered again. “That could go so badly.”

“I’ve thought of that. It’s one of the reasons that I’ve decided my dance card is full. We’ve been lucky so far, but eventually I could get a piece of somebody who is really bad and then our happy little poly tribe could go to hell in a big way.”

“Is it a happy poly tribe? Are you happy?” Domino asked.

I turned and looked up into those eyes the color of fires and spectacular sunsets. “Yes. Yes, I am happy, happier than I’ve ever been before.”

He smiled a little. “Good, I’m glad.”

“I won’t ask if you’re happy, because I know you want more of me than I have to give, and I’m sorry for that, Domino. I would set you free if I could.”

“If he were just addicted to the ardeur, you could, or he could sort of detox the way Requiem did, but I know what it’s like to be your wolf to call, and he’s your tiger, and we’re yours forever. Even if we move across the country you can still call us to your side,” Jason said.

“Are you thinking about moving across the country?” I asked.

He gave a little shrug. “If J.J. and Freda and I could work things out, maybe, and if Jean-Claude and you would allow it.”

“I don’t like the ‘allow’ part,” I said.

“Jean-Claude is the vampire king of the United States,” Envy said. “Jason is his pomme de sang, his apple of blood, and he’s your wolf to call; he has to have permission from both of you to move. Anyway, who is Freda?”

“Jean-Claude has enough wereanimals to donate blood now. It’s not like in the old days when him having this little werewolf to feed off of was important for his power base. And Freda is J.J.’s girlfriend.”

“So if you, J.J., and Freda can work this out, you’ll move to New York?”

“Maybe. I mean, she’s in one of the top dance troupes in the country; I can’t force her to give that up.”

“I love that you’re willing to relocate for your girlfriend,” Envy said. “Most men expect the woman to do the career compromising.”

“I’m an exotic dancer, it’s not a career.”