Hit List(38)

He was right. I knew he was right, so why did I feel so shitty? "I don't know where the blood is coming from, but somewhere on her back. I don't want to move her, but there's too much blood. We need to find the wound and put pressure on it. If she bleeds out, nothing else matters."


He knelt down to help but kept his side toward the door so he could still see movement. "We can hunt them now, Anita, our way."


He helped me lift her and try to keep her neck from moving. It probably wasn't a spinal injury, but back wounds can be tricky, and cautious was better than being wrong. He helped me lift her just enough so I could search for the wound. But it wasn't just a wound, it was several. I found at least three. "Shit!" I said.


"What's wrong?" he asked.


"It's multiple wounds, which means it wasn't a blade. He used claws."


"Powerful enough shapeshifter to change just his hands," Edward said.




"They're all going to be that powerful," he said.


"I know." I got towels from the bathroom to press against the wounds. "These are punctures. If they're deep, her chances of catching lycanthropy are higher."


"You'll have to tell the EMTs when they get here."


"I know." I pressed the towels against the wound and tried to stop the bleeding. Edward kept holding her up and trying to keep her neck from moving. It was the best we could do until the medics got here.


"What's our way?" I asked.


"What?" he asked.


"You said we'd be able to hunt them our way now. What's our way?"


"Violent, and very, very final."