

I shrugged. "If you know everyone in my bed then you know scars aren’t a deal breaker for me."


"You mean the vampire with the holy water scars," he said.


I nodded.


He seemed to think about that for a few seconds, then nodded. "Guess you’ve seen worse."


"It’s not about worse, Nicky; it’s about the fact that the scar is just another part of you. Not bad, not good, just you." I held my left arm out so the flat of the arm showed. I pointed to the mound of scar tissue at the bend. "Vampire." I touched the claw marks next. "Shapeshifted witch." I traced the knife wound that made the cross-shaped burn scar a little crooked now. "Knife and burn were both human servants of different master vampires." I touched the flat, slick scar on the upper part of the arm. "Bad guy’s girlfriend shot me." If I hadn’t been afraid I’d flash the knife sheath under my tank top, I’d have showed him my collarbone scar. "I’ve got a few others, but we’d have to be better friends for me to show you those."


He studied my face. "Most werelion females don’t want a one-eyed mate."


"It’s an old scar," I said. "I’m assuming you’ve compensated by now."


He nodded. "But I’ve got a blind side in both forms; it’s a problem in a fight."


"I fight my own battles most of the time."


He grinned. "Which is why you don’t have a mate yet, and why your lioness is in heat. If you’d picked a mate, it wouldn’t have happened."


I would talk to our local lions about leaving that part out, but in their defense I wouldn’t have believed them. I’d have just thought it was Haven trying to get back in my pants after the fight we had. No, I couldn’t blame this on them.


"It’s not just heat," Jacob said, "it’s fucking powerful heat. No female has ever made me lose it like that."


"So neither of you has mates, either," I said.


"She’s right, it’s not just her being picky that made this happen."


"It’s said a man of a certain age and property is in want of a wife," I said.