

"But it isn’t fine with your lion," he said. He shook his head. "We didn’t know you were an unmated werelion. We wouldn’t have taken the job if we had."


"Why not, and what job?" I asked.


"We’re being unprofessional, and I apologize for that, but you’ve caught us off guard."


"Why are you here, Jacob?" I asked; maybe if I used his name it would speed things along.


"I’m going to reach into my jacket for a cell phone. I have pictures on it to show you. You aren’t going to like them. You’re going to get angry with us, but remember we were hired to do this, it’s nothing personal." He looked past us. "Your waiter is coming back."


"He’s probably going to take your orders," I said.


"Would it really bother you if I killed him?" Nicky asked.


I finally realized that this problem, whatever it really was, wasn’t going to be settled by guns at the table. I stopped worrying about keeping an eye on both of them and just looked at Nicky. I gave him the full weight of my unfriendly gaze.


He blinked the one big blue eye I could see. "Nice look. It really has me quaking in my boots," he said.


"You haven’t seen anything yet," I said.


"Tease," he said, low.


Ahsan was back at the table. He wasted smiles on me and I was torn between wanting him away from the table and warning him. "Can I take drink orders?"


"No," Jacob said, "we got called back to work, so no time for lunch. Just give us a few minutes to fill Anita in on the problem, and you’ll get your table back."


He nodded, put his tablet away, and flashed me another brilliant smile. I tried to give one back, but knew my eyes didn’t hold it. I couldn’t pretend that well. He left us alone, and he would tell the rest of the wait-staff to avoid the table.


"Show me the pictures," I said.