

I turned to Nathaniel. "You recognized Bennington’s wife, didn’t you?"


He nodded, face serious. "She was a fur-fucker."


"A what?" I asked.


Jason explained, "They’re like badge bunnies for cops, or group ies for bands. They just want to fuck us because we turn furry once a month."


Nathaniel said, "She had money so she got private dances, but she was like most of the fur-fuckers. She seemed to think that we were animals and wouldn’t be able to resist our baser urges, as if because we have a beast inside us we can’t say no, or don’t have the right to say no."


Jason frowned. "I used to do it after work, never for money, but just because a woman was hot, and she wanted me. But after a while it was as if they’d fuck the tiger in the zoo if it wouldn’t eat them, and they didn’t think of me as much different from that."


I hugged Nathaniel with one arm and put my other arm past to draw Jason into the hug. "I’m sorry that people are so stupid."


Micah leaned in at my back, and we did our best to do a group hug in the booth, which didn’t quite work, but still got the job done. Nathaniel and Jason were smiling when we pulled back, and that was the goal.


"Did anyone at the club cross the line with the wife?" I asked.


Nathaniel shook his head. "Jean-Claude’s really strict about that, so no. There are a few dancers and bouncers that will do the fur-fuckers, but she wanted one of us to do it in the private dance area right then. That was her fantasy and she wasn’t settling for fucking one of us later in a hotel room, or so she informed Graham, after he offered to meet her after work."


Graham was a werewolf and a bouncer, not a dancer, but he was cute enough.


"A blow to his ego," I said.


"Not as bad a hit as the fact that you keep refusing him," Jason said, and he grinned, knowing it was a sore point with me.


I frowned at him, and then got back on point. "Did she get kicked out?"


Nathaniel nodded. "Security had to escort her outside, because she wouldn’t take no from us, and she just kept trying to up the price as if we were whores."