

"Yes," they said.


I let it go at that, because I’d learned to.


Micah and Jason were at either end of the circular booth, putting Nathaniel and me in the center, but it was easy for any of us who wanted to sit as close as we wanted until the food came, and then we’d need more elbow room. But until then, Micah and I held hands, but that’s too passive a word. We played our fingers up and down on each other’s. We made small circles on each other’s hands. I drew my nails lightly down the back of his hand, which made him close his eyes, lips parting. He returned the favor by drawing his nails down the inside of my wrist, and that made me have to fight off a visible shudder. "Okay, point taken, I’ll back down." My voice was breathy.


"You guys are so much fun," Jason said.


"Yes, they are," Nathaniel said, and some tone in his voice made me look at him, and I was suddenly very aware that I was staring into his face from inches away. Micah and I were still holding hands, but I was left wondering if I’d somehow neglected Nathaniel. I opened my mouth to ask something that blunt, when he said, "You and Micah always have to touch each other more than just a hug and a kiss. Until you do there’s this tension between you; always."


"Do I apologize for that?" I asked, and my voice was still breathy.


"No," he said, voice low, "you’re the same way with me." His hand found my skirt and began to slide down my thigh until his fingers touched hose. He slid his hand over my hose, to the inner thigh. My free hand grabbed his hand, and my other hand flexed in Micah’s, who grabbed back, and the pressure of his hand both helped me think and made me think about both of them, in a way that wasn’t helpful at all.


My pulse was suddenly in my throat and it wasn’t because I was afraid. Mary had said she’d take a long lunch, and that suddenly didn’t seem like a bad idea. I frowned, and tried to think a little better than that.


Nathaniel leaned in and whispered against my face, breath so warm, "Too much?"


I nodded, not trusting my voice.


"I don’t think this is going to make her laugh," Micah said.


I shook my head.


Nathaniel backed up enough so he wasn’t breathing his words directly on my skin. "I’m not jealous of you and Micah, because you still react as if me touching you is new."


I turned and looked at him, frowning at little. "Are you insinuating that other people have gotten tired of you touching them?"


"Now you’ve gone and made her think," Jason said. "Thinking will not make her smile."