A Caress of Twilight(19)

"How's Adam?"

Julian laughed. "Adam is purrrfectly wonderful." And he laughed again. Adam Kane was Ethan's older brother and Julian's lover. They'd been a couple for at least five years now. When they were in private where they didn't get hostile comments from strangers, they still acted like newlyweds.

Julian fluttered his hand in the air. "Come, gentlemen, come and sit down."

I glanced back. No one had moved. "Doyle and Frost won't move until Ethan and the new man do."

Julian turned around to look at them all. "Frank," Julian said, "our newest recruit." The man was tall, lanky, and looked young -- fresh-faced, wet-behind-the-ears young. He did not look like a Frank. A Cody maybe, or a Josh.

"Nice to meet you, Frank," I said.

Frank looked from me to the still-scowling Ethan; finally he gave a small nod. He looked as if he wasn't sure that being friendly to us would help his chances of staying employed.

"Ethan," Julian said, "all the senior partners discussed your views on the sidhe warriors. You were outvoted." His voice had lost all of that teasing quality and was now low and serious and full of something very like a threat.

I wondered what the threat was. Ethan Kane was one of the founding partners of their firm. Could you fire a founding partner?

"Ethan," Julian said, "sit down." His voice held a note of command I'd never heard before. For just a second I wondered if I'd gotten the wrong twin. Jordon was more likely to turn to force, while Julian was more the joking diplomat. I studied his profile, and, no, the dimple was just a touch deeper at the corner of his mouth, the cheeks a fraction less sculpted. It was Julian. What had been happening behind the scenes of Kane and Hart to put such hardness in his voice?

Whatever it was, it was enough, because Ethan started moving down the steps. Frank followed him. Doyle and Frost watched them for a moment, then slowly followed them around the room. Ethan sat on the section opposite me. Frank sat down like he wasn't sure he was allowed. He placed himself far enough away from Ethan not to crowd him.

Doyle sat on the other side of me opposite Julian. He'd made a point of sitting there and forcing Frost one seat over. He'd murmured, "Meredith needs to concentrate." It hit me suddenly that he'd been calling me Meredith for a little while. I was usually "the princess" or "Princess Meredith," although he'd called me Meredith at the beginning when he first got to L.A. He'd distanced himself with language about the time he distanced himself physically.

Frost was clearly not happy about the seating arrangements, but I doubted that anyone but one of us noticed. The slight stiffness to his shoulders spoke volumes if you knew what book you were reading. I'd spent a lot of time learning to read this book. Doyle knew all his men's moods like any good leader. Kitto might have been oblivious, but it was hard to know what the little goblin noticed and what he didn't.

Julian stayed pressed to my side, a lot closer to me than Doyle was sitting, though he moved his hand to let Doyle's shoulder touch mine. It also put Julian's hand on the back of the couch, touching Doyle's back.

Julian was in love with Adam, I knew that, but I also knew that he wasn't entirely kidding about me sharing my men. Maybe he and Adam had a special arrangement, or maybe no one could be around the sidhe and not wonder. Maybe.

Julian was stiffer, quieter beside me now, as if he were concentrating on not moving his hand too much. Doyle would tolerate the touch, but not if it was too much. Doyle had the same rules for uninvited men as for uninvited women. A thousand years of forced celibacy had made Doyle, and many of the guards, make very unfeylike rules about casual touching. If you couldn't complete the act, then teasing was too much like torture. Rhys had always had different rules, as had Galen: They preferred something to nothing.

Ethan looked at the two guards, his scowl deepening. His eyes flicked to Kitto, and disgust showed on his face.

"What's your problem, Ethan?" I asked.

He blinked and glared at me. "I just don't like monsters, no matter how pretty they are."

Julian took his arm off the couch and sat forward, leaning toward the other man. "Am I going to have to send you home?"

"You're not my father ... or my brother." That last was said with a lot of heat. Did Ethan have a problem with Julian dating his brother?

Julian leaned back a little, his head to one side as though he'd just thought of something new. "We're not going to air our private business in front of anyone, no matter how charming. But if you can't deal with this assignment, then I'll call Adam and the two of you can change jobs. He won't have a problem with Meredith being here."

"He doesn't have a problem with a lot of things," Ethan said, and the heat was very clearly directed toward Julian.

"I'll call Adam and tell him you'll be heading his way." Julian took a small cell phone from an inner jacket pocket.

"I'm in charge of this operation, Julian. You're just here in case we need magical backup."

Julian sighed, gazing at the phone in his hand. "If you're in charge, Ethan, then act like it. Because right now you're embarrassing yourself in front of these good people."

"People?" Ethan stood, doing his best to tower over us. "These aren't people; they're non-humans."

A clear ringing voice came from behind Ethan. "Well, if that's how you feel, Mr. Kane, perhaps I was in error when I employed your agency."

Maeve Reed was standing in the hallway on the edge of the vanilla carpet sea. She didn't look happy.

Maeve Reed was using magic to appear more human. She was tall, slender with a bare swell of hips to ruin the line of her tan slacks. Her long-sleeved blouse was pale harvest gold unbuttoned to midchest, giving tantalizing glimpses of tanned flesh and the edge of small firm breasts. If I'd tried wearing something like that, I'd have fallen out all over the place. She was built like most of the top fashion models, except she didn't have to starve or exercise to look like this. It was just the way she looked.