The Last Straw (The Jigsaw Files #4) - Sharon Sala Page 0,78

the rooms from any of those phones.”

“Thanks,” Floyd said and headed for the phone bank, then called Wayne first.

Wayne was in bed, kicked back watching TV, when his room phone rang. He muted his show, then leaned over and answered.


“Mr. Dyer, this is Detective Floyd.”

“Oh, yes, sir. How can I help you?” Wayne asked.

“We wanted to speak to one of the residents you moved here, but he doesn’t appear to have registered. His name is J.J. Burch. Do you happen to have a different location for him?”

“Who? I don’t know a... Oh, wait! You’re talking about Sonny. He doesn’t go by J.J. No, he’s not registered here. He called the office when he was leaving to let me know he was going to stay with family in the city. He said it would be more comfortable, and closer to his work.”

“Ah...okay. By any chance would you have Sonny’s cell phone number?” Floyd asked.

“I think I brought a list of the residents’ names and contact info with me. Just a moment, please. Let me go check.”

He laid down the phone and ran to get his briefcase, then shuffled through some papers before he found it. He slid back onto the side of the bed. “Yes, I do. Got a pen and paper?” he asked.

“Yes, go ahead,” Floyd said and took down the number.

“There’s a separate number for his office. I’ll give you that one, too,” Wayne said.

Floyd wrote it down. “Thanks, Mr. Dyer. Oh...since you have the list in front of you, do you have a contact number for Lou Nunez, too...just in case he’s not on the premises?”

“Of course,” Wayne said and gave him Nunez’s number. “He’s a stockbroker, but I don’t know if they work on Saturdays. If you don’t mind, I have a question for you. Do you have an update on Rachel Dean? We’ve all been praying for her.”

“All I know is that she came through surgery. She’s in the ICU and still unconscious.”

Wayne sighed. “Lord bless her heart. This whole thing is just so horrifying and ugly. You have to catch the man who did this to her. He’s a monster.”

“We’re doing our best,” Floyd said. “Thanks for the help.”

As soon as he disconnected, he called Lou Nunez’s room, but he didn’t answer.

“This was a bust,” Mills said as they left the hotel and walked back to their car. “And who’s Sonny?”

“J.J. goes by Sonny,” Floyd said and got in, then pulled out his notebook with the numbers Wayne had given them and called Nunez first, then put it on speaker so Mills could hear, too.

* * *

Lou Nunez was at the office with a client when his cell phone rang. He glanced at caller ID and then frowned.

“I’m sorry, but I need to take this. If you’ll excuse me for a few minutes, I shouldn’t be long.”

The client nodded and Lou got up and went into the outer office to answer.

“Hello, this is Nunez.”

“Mr. Nunez, this is Detective Floyd, Dallas PD. Do you have a few moments to answer some questions?”

“Well, sure, I guess. Does this have anything to do with Rachel being kidnapped? Because if it does, I’ll do anything I can to help. We all really like her. She is a little workaholic, but a delight to be around. What do you need to know?”

Floyd had to admit the man was forthcoming, but he could also be a damn good liar.

“How many years have you been a resident of Detter House?” Floyd asked.

“Oh, goodness. Maybe eleven, no, this year is twelve years. I don’t have any relatives in the state, but the amenities at Detter House are perfect for fostering a social atmosphere, which keeps me from feeling lonely.”

“Are you married?” Floyd asked.

“Not now. I moved to Detter House after my divorce. What does—?”

“Are you aware of any other women going missing since you’ve been living there?”

“Lord, no. Look at all the turmoil Rachel’s absence caused! We would have all known, you know?”

“Where were you yesterday morning?” Floyd asked.

“I was at work. You can check with my employer. I didn’t find out about that Wyrick woman being abducted or that Rachel Dean had been found until I got the phone call from Wayne Dyer that we were going to be moved to the Ritz.”

“Okay, I think that’s it for now. Thank you.”

“Sure,” Lou said. “Would it be out of line to ask about Rachel’s welfare?”

“No. She’s had surgery and is in the ICU. I don’t believe she’s regained consciousness,” Floyd said.

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