Last Sacrifice Page 0,51

get out.'

"Someone already tried to get rid of records linking Lissa's dad to a mistress.' I again spoke without thinking and hated myself for it. I didn't want to give the brothers any more info. I didn't want to play like we were all working together here.

"And let me guess,' said Victor. "That's what you're trying to do, isn't it? Find this Dragomir bastard.'

"Hey, don't--'

"It's just an expression,' he interrupted. "If I know you two--and I feel confident I do-- Vasilisa is desperately trying to clear your name back at Court while you and Belikov are off on a sexually charged adventure to find her brother or sister.'

"You don't know anything about us,' I growled. Sexually charged indeed.

He shrugged. "Your face says it all. And really, it's not a bad idea. Not a great one either, but not bad. Give the Dragomir family a quorum, and you'll have a voice speaking on your behalf on the Council. I don't suppose you have any leads?'

"We're working on it,' I replied evasively.

Victor looked at Robert. I knew the two didn't have any psychic communication, but as they exchanged glances, I had a feeling they were both thinking the same thing and confirming with each other. At last, Victor nodded and turned back to me.

"Very well then. We'll help you.' He made it sound like he was reluctantly agreeing to do me a big favor.

"We don't need your help!'

"Of course you do. You're out of your league, Rose. You're wandering into a nest of ugly, complex politics--something you have no experience with. There's no shame in acknowledging that, just as I'm not ashamed to admit that in an irrational, ill-planned fist fight, you would certainly prove superior.'

Another backhanded compliment. "We're doing just fine. We have an Alchemist helping us.' There. That would show him who was out of whose league. And, to my credit, he did look slightly impressed. Slightly.

"Better than I expected. Has your Alchemist come up with a location or any lead yet?'

"She's working on it,' I repeated.

He sighed in frustration. "We're going to need time then, aren't we? Both for Vasilisa to investigate Court and you to start tracking this child.'

"You're the one who acts like you know everything,' I pointed out. "I figured you'd know something about this.'

"To my chagrin, no.' Victor didn't really sound all that put out. "But as soon as we get a thread, I assure you, I'll be essential in unraveling it.' He walked over to his brother and patted Robert's arm comfortingly. Robert stared back adoringly. "We'll visit you again. Let us know when you have something useful, and then we'll meet up with you.' My eyes widened. "You'll do no such--' I hesitated. I'd let Victor escape in Las Vegas. Now he was offering to come to me. Maybe I could repair that mistake and make good on my earlier threat to him. Quickly, I tried to cover my lapse of speech. "How do I know I can trust you?'

"You can't,' he said bluntly. "You've got to take it on faith that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.'

"I've always hated that saying. You'll always be my enemy.'

I was a bit surprised when Robert suddenly came to life. He glared and stepped forward. "My brother is a good man, shadow-girl! If you hurt him ... if you hurt him, you'll pay. And next time you won't come back. The world of the dead won't give you up a second time.'

I knew better than to take the threats of a crazy man seriously, but his last words sent a chill through me. "Your brother is a psycho--'

"Enough, enough.' Victor again gave Robert a reassuring pat on the arm. Still scowling at me, the younger Dashkov brother backed off, but I was willing to bet that invisible wall was back in place. "This does us no good. We're wasting time--which is something we don't have enough of. We need more. The monarch elections will start any day now, and Tatiana's murderer could have a hand in those if there really was some agenda going on. We need to slow down the elections--not just to thwart the assassin, but also to give all of us time to accomplish our tasks.'

I was getting tired of all this. "Yeah? And how do you propose we do that?'

Victor smiled. "By running Vasilisa as a candidate for queen.'

Seeing as this was Victor Dashkov we were dealing with, I really shouldn't have been surprised by anything he said. It was Copyright 2016 - 2024