The Last Good Liar (Carolina Kisses #3) - Sylvie Stewart Page 0,9

hot woman? Guilty. But I don’t lie to women, nor do I put up with them lying to me. That doesn’t mean I go around volunteering every bit of my business when I meet someone. But it does mean that I never promise more than I have in me to give. So, while I generally only date one woman at a time these days, we both know it’s all about having a good time—not about a white dress and babies.

There was a time when I thought those things might be for me after all, but that time is firmly in the past and so is the girl who had me considering that nonsense.

I make a mental note to promise Ashley I’ll make it up to her. Then I kick the bike into fifth, rolling the throttle and shortening the space between me and what I’m determined will be my new shop and my new home away from home. Soon. I’m sure of it.

Chapter Four


I rap on one of the towering double doors for a second time as I glance around for signs of life.


Which is damn surprising because these people clearly employ an army of workers to keep this place looking as pristine as it does. In fact, this just might be the fanciest property I’ve ever set my boots on. Tall white columns rise to my back, bracketing the wide stone front porch (or whatever these rich people call it) that acts as a centerpiece to the massive white structure I can only call a mansion. The landscaping alone must cost more than my parents’ whole damn mortgage.

The place even smells rich—some combination of flowers I can’t name mixed with newly cut wood and that unmistakably crisp scent of a fresh pack of copy paper. It’s a good thing I keep my bike in prime condition because I’d hate to see what the Fontaines would do if I left an oil stain in the middle of their stone circular drive.

I arrived in Carolina Beach about an hour ago, steering my Harley Electra Glide directly to the offices of River Point Realty and walking my ass through the front door with my most charming smile in place. I’d even gone to the trouble of smoothing down my hair from the three hours it had spent under my helmet. I’m way past due for a cut.

“How can I help you this afternoon?” The receptionist’s eyelashes responded to my smile in just the manner I’d planned, fluttering like an invitation to share more than my state of well-being.

I wasted no time sidling up to the counter and dropping my voice. “I’m Nick, but you can call me Ponch. What’s your name?” She took my extended hand without hesitation.

“Lila.” Those lashes sent me another flutter. Lila was pretty and curvy, her blouse unbuttoned one more button than was strictly professional—not that I minded.

“That means dark beauty, right?” Her eyes widened with surprise and pleasure at my comment, just as I knew they would. “It suits you.” I leaned in a bit closer, my lips curving in another smile.

Now, let’s stop right here for a second.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably flirting with words like “cliché” or “sleazy” or maybe even “corny,” but don’t. It’s a fact that women like it when a man makes them feel good. Admit it. And if you’re being really truthful with yourself, you know women even like it when a man lies to them to make it happen. But I’ve already told you I’m not much of a liar. I don’t tell a woman anything that isn’t true.

Take Lila. She’s a sexy woman, and with her curly raven hair winding around her neck, she’s most definitely a dark beauty. And me paying her a special compliment suited to her and her alone makes her feel good. Just like the girl Quinn I dated a few months back liked it when I mentioned her name’s meaning of wisdom and how it perfectly suited her. It didn’t hurt that she happened to have just won an argument with my buddy Gavin at the time, of course.

When it comes down to it, I’m providing a service of sorts—one I’ve spent a great deal of time and effort perfecting. I’ve honed my techniques over the years, and I know from the first minute I meet a girl exactly which approach will work for her. There are a lot of them to choose from, and it requires me to think on my Copyright 2016 - 2024