The Last Eligible Bachelor - Ashtyn Newbold Page 0,8

I would be living at for the next month, only that it was called Winslow House, and had only been described as charming by its owner, which gave her every reason to believe it was not actually charming.

At least not as charming as Hampden Park.

I focused on the passing countryside rather than the nerves spinning in my stomach. Sophia was expected to arrive last by Mrs. Sedgwick’s design—a grand finale, of sorts. I rather hoped my arrival felt more like an afterthought. Hopefully by the time I arrived Mr. Hill would have already selected his favorite from among the other young ladies. I comforted myself with that thought.

“That’s the village of Bibury.” Jessie’s quiet voice drifted toward me. I followed her gaze to the quaint village ahead, where rows of stone cottages sat huddled together, trailing along a garden path. The stone was the color of freshly baked bread, golden and bright in the afternoon sunlight. Small purple and white flowers dotted the surrounding bushes. The earth seemed to be drawing a deep and satisfying breath, as if it had been holding it in anticipation of this beauty for all the winter months. I clung my hands together in my lap, trying to replace my anxiety with excitement. No matter the circumstances, at least I would get to spend the next month near such a beautiful village.

Winslow house was just one mile away, and we arrived much quicker than I had hoped. I took a deep, quaking breath, and Jessie rested her hand on my arm. “You’ve nothing to dread, Tillie. You look the part of a lady. No one’ll suspect you of anything.”

It was acting the part that terrified me. Winslow House came into clear view out the window, fashioned out of similar stone to the cottages in the village, but much larger, nestled among newly awakened gardens, the colors bright and vibrant. Only a few branches were still bare, reaching toward the house like slender fingers.

As the carriage came to a stop, two footmen walked out the front doors, followed closely by a woman in an extravagant gown, her pale curls pinned atop her head. A minuscule, polite smile pulled on her lips.

I tried to imitate the expression, clutching handfuls of my skirts as the doors opened. Don’t be too elegant. Men are drawn to elegance, and you mustn’t give Mr. Hill anything that might draw his eye to you for even a moment. Sophia’s words coursed through my mind again as I stepped down onto the drive. The house appeared much larger now that it loomed directly in front of me, and the approaching woman appeared much more intimidating.

“Miss Sedgwick, is it?” Her chin lifted as she surveyed me, her slightly upturned nose pointing directly at the carriage as she glanced inside, a furrow overtaking her brow as Jessie stepped out. She peeked dramatically to both sides of the carriage interior. “Have you made this entire journey with only your maid?”

“Indeed, ma’am.” I attempted a note of confidence in my voice, but it still came out quiet.

Her lips pursed, but she didn’t make further comment on the subject. Instead, she led me over the narrow path that led to the front doors. The path was flanked with bushes and shrubs, the tips of the leaves covered in droplets of moisture, as well as three stone sculptures. My legs felt as if they had been turned to stone for how heavy they were, dragging me along behind Mrs. Ollerton. I corrected my posture when I noticed myself slumping. Elegant, but not too elegant.

“You have arrived just in time for tea,” Mrs. Ollerton said. “If you would prefer to rest from your journey first, you may, but otherwise, we will welcome you into the drawing room to meet the other young ladies, as well as Mr. Hill.” Her face lit up when she spoke his name, a hint of whimsy in her voice.

What was it about this man that could so easily lift the disdain off Mrs. Ollerton’s face in an instant? Though I supposed it wasn’t all that surprising. I had learned that women tended to pour out their judgements readily on other women but found far less to dislike in men.

“Which would you prefer?” Mrs. Ollerton asked when I didn’t reply.

It would likely be better for my goals to meet Mr. Hill now, rather than worry over it for another few hours. After all, he was sure to find less to admire about me at this moment, Copyright 2016 - 2024