The Last Eligible Bachelor - Ashtyn Newbold Page 0,61

his chance at freedom.

Mr. Hill’s laugher joined in mine. Laughing with him like this was not wise. He was far too endearing when he laughed.

“A third outing ought to confirm any suspicions the guests have regarding my choice.” He smiled, glancing upward in apparent thought. “Perhaps a bit more archery tomorrow afternoon? You are in desperate need of practice.”

“I did not shoot as terribly as you think.”

“I meant your flirting.”

I scoffed. “I was attempting to turn your attention away.”

“Yet I enjoyed every moment of it.” His smile turned mischievous. “If we are to convince everyone that you love me, then you must do all you can to improve your acting skills.”

I would have laughed, but my stomach felt as if it had formed one large knot.

It would not require as much acting as he seemed to believe.

Chapter 18

“Oh, my.”

Little did Mrs. Ollerton know, I was listening to her conversation with Mr. Hill from the other side of the banister, hidden behind a statue.

“If you are certain.” Her voice was skeptical. “Would you not consider taking Miss Downsfield on a walk through the gardens? I suspect you might find much to admire in her.”

“That would be counterproductive, Mrs. Ollerton.” Mr. Hill spoke with confidence, and I could envision him with crossed arms and a lifted chin. “I consider it unfair to give any other woman than Miss Sedgwick the idea that I intend to court them. You might advise them all to simply enjoy the rest of their stay as fellow guests rather than competitors.”

“Do you intend to...offer for Miss Sedgwick?”

“That is the purpose of a courtship, is it not? To determine the answer to that very question.” The smile in his voice was charming—there was no way Mrs. Ollerton wouldn’t be convinced by it.

Her inhale was slightly labored. “I suppose so.”

“If I were to select a wife from among your guests, it would undeniably be Miss Sedgwick. But of course, I will not be making such a decision yet. We have just begun to come to know one another.”

I pressed my palm against the cool stone of the statue, keeping myself steady and quiet. “Well, thank you for informing me, Mr. Hill.” I caught the last few echoes as Mrs. Ollerton’s feet clicked across the floor and away from the staircase before peeking out from behind the statue.

Mr. Hill appeared behind me, and I stepped out from my hiding place. His smile was contagious. “Considering that you will be absent from tea this afternoon, I suspect our courtship will be the topic of conversation,” he said.

I interlocked my fingers in front of me. “Let there be no doubt.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps it would be wise for me to arm you with a bow as soon as possible. And teach you how to use it so you may have a means of defending yourself.”

I laughed. “You may be right.”

He extended his arm to me as we walked outside, where two targets had already been set up. After proving to Mr. Hill that my archery did indeed require just as much practice as my flirting, he walked me back to the house. My cheeks ached from smiling as I made my way to my room to change before finding Jessie in her room. She had hardly left since injuring her leg, and I decided I had been neglecting her nearly as much as she had been happily neglecting her responsibilities.

“Tillie!” She sat up straighter in her bed when I entered, licking a bit of jam off her finger. A half-eaten slice of bread sat on a tray on her lap. She had been treated far kinder here than I would have been had I been injured working at Sedgwick Manor. Here, she was more of a guest, and Mrs. Ollerton had been generous enough to ensure she was comfortable while her ankle recovered.

“How is your leg?” I asked.

“The swellin’ has gone down a bit,” she said with a smile. “The doctor said I’ll be up and about soon enough. ‘Twasn’t as severe an injury as we thought.”

“I’m relieved to hear it.” I eyed her crutches where they rested against her small bed.

“Would you like to take a walk outside? The ladies are still gathered in the drawing room with their embroidery and I would rather not guess at what uncharitable thoughts they have for me.” I bit my lip.

“Are they still fit to be tied over your ride with Mr. Hill?”

“There is a matter I must discuss with you.” I gulped. “And yes. Copyright 2016 - 2024