The Last Eligible Bachelor - Ashtyn Newbold Page 0,54

in accomplishments is exceeded in far more important things. If any lady should hope to be accomplished in anything, it should be kindness. Honesty. Goodness and generosity, and you are the most accomplished lady here in all of those aspects. Do not listen to Miss Downsfield. Promise me you will not listen? That you will not change to suit what she thinks you should be? What society thinks? I am tired of it.” Half his mouth lifted in a smile, but the sincerity in his eyes still begged for my assent.

The raw sweetness of his words send a surge of warmth to envelop my heart. I drew a deep breath through my nostrils, filling my lungs to their capacity as relief flooded over me. The fleeting fear that Mr. Hill had requested this meeting in order to propose had been ridiculous. He had made his feelings on marriage clear, and so had I. “I will not give any heed to anything Miss Downsfield says.”

Mr. Hill’s smile grew to one of relief. “Unless she speaks of my virtues?”

I smiled. “That is when I will ignore her the most.”

He laughed, and the sound filled the room.

I tried to draw a breath, but it was suddenly difficult with him standing so close and his smiling eyes looking down into mine.

“As you should,” he said softly. “I would prefer that you come to know me yourself, rather than rely on the opinions of anyone else.”

“How am I to do that?” I meant it as a sincere question, but by the quirk of Mr. Hill’s eyebrow, I feared he had taken it as a flirtatious remark.

“You may begin by joining me for a horseback ride tomorrow morning...if the speed of our riding allows for conversation. You have already proven yourself comfortable atop a horse.”

When Jessie had injured her leg. I fiddled with the sides of my skirts, unsure of how to answer. “I was not comfortable, actually, sharing the saddle with my maid in a wet, muddy dress.” I gave a weak smile.

“How is your maid faring? Jessie, was it?”

“She is well. She quite enjoys the extra rest.” I smiled, thinking of how Jessie had been earlier that afternoon when I had visited her, reclined on her bed with an expression of complete content.

“I have already written to my uncle concerning your other maid’s father,” Mr. Hill said. “I informed him of my connection with you and Matilda Sherbrooke. We shall hope he offers mercy on her father’s behalf, but he is a stubborn man.”

My heart sank. Mr. Baker was just as stubborn as my father, but far more powerful. “Thank you,” I said in a quiet voice. “I’m certain she will be most grateful for your interference, even if nothing comes of it.” My throat tightened as the ever-present image of Papa behind bars entered my mind. It was shaken away by the softness of Mr. Hill’s gaze.

“I will do all in my power to ensure something does come of it. A man should not be exiled or executed for such a small thing, especially if it was unlike his character to do so.”

I nodded my agreement, fighting back the tears of hope and gratitude that welled behind my eyes. Papa had paid enough for his mistake. Mama and I had paid for it too. I was still paying for it, charading as Sophia and coming to regard a man very highly whom I could never marry. “That is very kind of you,” I managed through my tight throat.

He smiled, looking down at his shoes. Modesty did not suit him well, and I found it strange how much my opinion of him had changed. He was not the pompous rake who I first thought him to be. He was far more than that.

“You never did give me your answer.” He glanced up to meet my eyes. “Will you come riding with me in the morning?”

A surge of uncertainty gripped my chest. “For what purpose?”

He chuckled softly, clasping his hands behind his back. “Do you still fear I will propose to you?”

I searched his eyes. “A little.”

His laughter grew, and I couldn’t help but join him. If he thought it was ridiculous enough to laugh at, then I was safe. At least I hoped so.

“You have made your opinions clear enough.” His lips curved upward at the corners, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “So you may be sure to avoid such an unpleasant conversation.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Then why do you wish to Copyright 2016 - 2024