The Last Eligible Bachelor - Ashtyn Newbold Page 0,39

today. I have never seen a gentleman behave with such kindness. Well, aside from my father.” I cut off my rambling, embarrassed by how much I had revealed. Even a real lady would never venture to say such bold things. I was forgetting my place—forgetting that I was no longer at liberty to speak my mind. These were Sophia’s opinions as far as Mr. Hill knew.

What was spoken could not be unspoken. At least the conversation was likely distracting Jessie from the pain in her leg. She had never been a gossip, but she did love overhearing gossip-worthy conversations. My heart pounded as I waited for Mr. Hill’s response, not daring to look down at his face. I pretended to be focused on the path ahead and on Winslow House growing closer in the distance.

“Those are very interesting observations,” Mr. Hill said. “Though I’m afraid I must defend myself on at least one of your points.”

I glanced down, feeling suddenly dizzy from the motion of the horse combined with the lightness in my head.

“I do not flirt without intention or purpose. It is not a game I play. Any attention a lady receives from me is genuine, and not meant to deceive in any way. Any attention I direct toward you is born of sincere interest. Miss Sedgwick, I find you fascinating, and I will not pretend I do not.”

I scolded my heart for leaping in my chest. But two words stopped me, leaving my skin cold. Miss Sedgwick. He did not find me fascinating. He would never have found me fascinating if I had been the maid in the corner, silent and submissive. He never would have looked at me or smiled at me or spoken a word to me. He found Miss Sedgwick fascinating, and if he ever discovered that I was just Tillie, he would be ashamed of his confession. He would never give up a good word toward me again.

“You are wrong, Mr. Hill.” I shifted uncomfortably.

“One cannot be wrong in their own opinion.” He smiled.

How different would I have felt if the circumstances were different? If it were just a few months before, and Mr. Hill knew me as Miss Matilda Sherbrooke? If he had said these things to me then, I would have clung to every word. I would have allowed myself to be hopeful and flattered, and my heart would not have been so caged. “You are allowed to have your opinion, of course. However, I don’t agree with it, and—and I don’t think you should have such a high opinion of me.”

Mr. Hill studied me for a long moment. “It is the fact that you don’t agree with me that makes you fascinating.”

Here I was, directly contradicting my behavior from the day before. He hadn’t been fooled. My frustration must have shown on my face, because Mr. Hill’s expression softened. “You are not like the other women here, despite how much you tried to appear to be so yesterday. May I ask you for the truth?”

“You did just accuse me of delighting in keeping the truth from you.” I raised my eyebrows. “I might keep your prize from you a little longer.”

“A smile of yours would be a more desirable prize, so if you wish to torment me, you may keep your smiles hidden instead.” He glanced at my lips, and my stomach fluttered all over again. “Appease me now with at least a piece of the truth, if you will. Why did you behave the way you did yesterday? And why were you avoiding me today?”

“That is two pieces of the truth, Mr. Hill. I am reluctant even to give you one.”

“Perhaps you might give me one for today, and you might tell me the second on a ride with me tomorrow morning?”

I eyed him carefully. How could I decline? I had already reflected terribly on Sophia’s name. I didn’t really know how far Mr. Hill’s influence reached. Who did he know? Who were his relatives? He could very well know someone who knows Sophia, so I had to start treading carefully. I had forgotten all of my manners. “I will agree to the ride, but I may not give up any of my truths.”

“That is what I require in exchange.”

“In exchange for the pleasure of your company?” I raised one eyebrow. “Perhaps I should enjoy sleeping late in a warm, comfortable bed instead.”

He laughed. “There is no question you will already be awake singing in the gardens or sliding down Copyright 2016 - 2024