The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey - By Walter Mosley Page 0,61

ground, crawling away down the sidewalk. There was a streak of blood on the pavement behind the bully, and the only sound was the beaten man coughing, trying to catch a breath through his bruised windpipe.

“Go on in, Mr. Grey,” Billy said in a mild, friendly voice. “I’ll stay out here and watch these mothahfuckers until you inside.”

Ptolemy saw that Melinda had retreated across the street. She wasn’t complaining or even trying to help her boyfriend.

“Mr. Grey?”

“Yeah, Mr. Strong?”

“If you need it, I’ll come by an’ get you anytime, ya hear?”

“Yes sir, I sure do.”

Inside the apartment Ptolemy thought about Robyn, who was so quick to fight, and now Billy, who didn’t even utter a warning. He could see that the world outside his door had become more dangerous than it was when he was a younger man. Poor people had always fought and killed each other, but it wasn’t so fast and unpredictable. People shot out like rattlesnakes on these modern streets. There was no warning anymore.

The phone rang at 7:27 that evening.

“Uncle Grey?”

“Yeah, Robyn.”

“I’ma be home late, okay?”

“Sure it’s okay. But be careful when you come back in. That Melinda got her some boyfriend threatened me.”

“What you do?”

“I was wit’ Billy Strong. He beat the bejesus out that man.”

“Billy? He’s nice.”

“He said the same about you. What time you comin’ home?”

“’Bout eleven.”

“Okay. I’ll prob’ly be up.”

“You don’t have to wait up for me, Uncle.”

“No. I’m just thinkin’ ’bout things.”

“What things?”

“The modern world.”

At 8:30 there came a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” Ptolemy asked.

“Dr. Ruben, Mr. Grey. Can I come in?”

Ptolemy opened the door and said, “Hello, Satan.”

The doctor was wearing a herringbone jacket, black trousers, and a dark-red dress shirt that was open at the collar. He seemed to grimace under the bale of hair that passed for a mustache.

“How are you, Mr. Grey?” the beady- and green-eyed doctor asked, forcing his scowl into a smile.

“Burnin’ up and singin’ in my veins, rememberin’ all the things that went to pass like they was just this mornin’ and not fifty, sixty, seventy . . . eighty years ago.”

The doctor’s smile grew as Ptolemy watched him. This standoff went on for a while, until the doctor asked, “Can I come in, Mr. Grey?”

Ptolemy spent maybe twenty seconds more trying to think if there was some rule against letting Satan in your door.

“Come on, then,” he said when he couldn’t think of any strictures pertaining to the Devil and simple civility.

Ptolemy sat on his lightweight stool and bade his guest sit on Robyn’s couch.

“Your mind is working well?” Ruben asked. “You’re remembering and able to get your words out?”

“Bettah then evah. I could tell you the kinda cake my mama made on my sixth birthday, and what the driver talked about when I took the bus up to Twenty-third and Central this afternoon.”

“By yourself?”

“Excuse me?”

“Did you take the bus by yourself?” Ruben asked.

“Yeah. Yeah.”

“Do you have any problem walking, handling things?”

“Naw. Mattah fact I seem a little more handy than I was.” He was thinking about the pipe he had swung at Melinda. “I seem to be more—what you call it?—coordinated.”

The doctor smiled and nodded.

“And you say you have fever?” he asked.

“I get so hot sometimes I can feel it comin’ off my skin. I take aspirin an’ a cold shower an’ it go away.”

“That’s just right, Mr. Grey. A shower and aspirin will work for a while. Maybe a long while.”

“Fevah gonna kill me?” Ptolemy asked with no self-pity or regret.

“Could be,” Ruben said. “But you say you feel an electrical sensation inside?”

“In my veins,” Ptolemy replied. “Like a trill played on a flute. It makes me feel like I got butterflies for blood.”

“That’s the medicine,” Ruben said. “It’s working on your chemistry and your body’s electrical system, your wiring. But it should only be in your brain. That’s what we’re trying to work out . . . how to keep the brain alive and functioning well without affecting the other parts of your body. May I take your pulse?”

“The Devil playin’ a healer,” Ptolemy said as he extended his right hand.

After feeling various points on the old man’s arm, Ruben said, “Your blood pressure is elevated.” He reached into his pocket and came out with a small green bottle.

“These pills are very small but potent. There are a hundred of them. Take one when the fever and flute playing bothers you and it should subside for a while.”

Ptolemy took the green bottle and shook it, listening to the Copyright 2016 - 2024