Last Chance for Paris - Merry Farmer Page 0,14

to take in what she was saying.

Solange reached for his hand, threading her fingers through his. “I can see now that Madame Boucher had incorrect information, and that what I saw all those years ago was not what I thought I saw.”

“It certainly was not,” Louis said, then let out a breath and softened his tone as he went on with, “Though I suppose I can see how you had the wrong impression.” He paused, studying her expression and finding no artifice there. She was being completely honest with him. “Your Madame Boucher gave you incorrect information, but I am well aware that the rumors still persist.”

A sudden, endearing smile came to Solange’s face, making her look far younger than she had before. “I am grateful that you’re so understanding,” she said. “Many men in your position wouldn’t take the news well.”

“The news that you were trying to kill me,” he said, his lips pulling into a smirk. He glanced to their joined hands on the rumpled sheets. After the night she’d given him, for better or worse, he was willing to believe anything good about her and discard the bad.

“My aim was to avenge the destruction of my family the same way Lafarge destroyed them. I wanted to eliminate his family and make him feel their loss. Only Lafarge never married or had children of his own. At least, legitimate children. You are the only one I was able to trace, and it turns out that you aren’t even his at all.”

Louis’s brow knit in thought. “I don’t believe you would have gone through with it.”

“Oh, I would have,” she insisted.

Louis studied her expression, the seriousness in her eyes. He shifted uncomfortably, turning the movement into an effort to lean back against the pillows and the headboard. He drew her into his arms, cradling her there and enjoying the way her skin felt against his.

“I’m glad you didn’t succeed,” he said. “That would have been an utter waste.”

She hummed in agreement, but didn’t make any further comment as she nestled her head against his shoulder.

“My plans for Lafarge weren’t quite so grand,” he went on. “I intended to get back what he stole from my mother, then to do whatever possible to discredit and ruin him.”

Solange lifted her head to stare at him. “What did he take from your mother?”

“A brooch,” Louis confessed. “A very old brooch with diamonds and pearls. It has been in the family since Tudor times.”

She blinked. “That’s it? A brooch?”

Louis pushed a hand through his disheveled hair and let out a sigh. “It’s the fact that he has it that bothers me. He tormented and victimized my mother for years. She took her own life because of him.”

Solange tensed against him. “I’m so sorry.”

He glanced at her, struck by the wild juxtaposition of old, bitter feelings and the pure comfort and enjoyment of holding her. “I need to get it back,” he said. “As a symbol of redemption if nothing else. Then you can kill Lafarge all you want.”

She smiled weakly. “I have an uneasy feeling that I am no longer capable of murder. Not even of Lafarge. Too many things have changed.” She punctuated her statement by spreading her hand across his chest and toying with his chest hair.

“So what do we do now?” he asked after enjoying her touch for a few seconds. “I refuse to let the whole matter drop just because I’ve found something sweeter to occupy my time.”

“I refuse to let it drop as well.” Solange straightened, staring into his eyes with determination. “Lafarge will pay for all he’s done. To both of us and to everyone else we do not even know about.”

Louis agreed completely, but as the two of them sat there, not a thing came to mind that felt like a quick solution. He shook his head and moved to the edge of the bed to stand.

“We’re back at square one when it comes to Lafarge,” he said, walking to his washstand, well aware of Solange eyeing him appreciatively. “But at least we won’t fall into the trap of chasing false leads and working at cross purposes now.”

“We will have much more of a chance of succeeding if we work together,” she agreed, climbing out of bed and following him.

Louis nearly jumped out of his skin as she brushed her fingers down his naked back as he wet a washcloth in the basin. Her touch made him want to forget everything else but going back to Copyright 2016 - 2024