Last Chance for Paris - Merry Farmer Page 0,12

of my mother and destruction of my father’s family.”

Lord Sinclair let out a sharp exhale. “Lafarge collects trophies. That is why I am here, in Paris.”

“He’s taken something from you?” Solange asked.

“From my mother.” He nodded. “But not nearly as much as he’s taken from you.”

He stepped toward her, brushing his hands up her arms and across her shoulders to cradle her face. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her lips, lightly at first, and then with passion.

Solange was surprised by the gesture, surprised by how right it felt in that moment. She’d lived her whole life since being disowned in the shadows, but Lord Sinclair’s kiss was pure acceptance. He knew the truth about her, and he kissed her all the same.

It was intoxicating. She circled her arms around him, her breath catching as she dug her fingertips into his back. Lust surged through her, but something deeper with it. Lord Sinclair understood her tragedy, had experienced something similar. He had known sadness and betrayal caused by Lafarge, but rather than push her away and curse her name, he embraced her, devoured her, as though his kiss could heal her wounds. And she wanted to be healed.

“Make love to me,” she whispered, astounded by her own brazenness.

He leaned back, flushed, his eyes bright with passion. “Are you certain?”

“Yes,” she said, leaning into him and lifting to her toes so that she could kiss him as ardently as he’d kissed her. “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.”

He made a sound of acceptance and excitement, sliding his arms around her again and bringing her flush against his naked chest. His mouth slanted over hers, drawing a sigh of longing from her as his tongue thrust alongside hers. Everything about him was delicious and overpowering. After years of stress and fury, all Solange wanted was to feel soft and aroused. Nothing else mattered.

His hands moved to the front of her bodice, making quick work of the row of buttons down the front. He pushed her high collar aside and bent to nibble at her neck as she reached behind to unfasten her skirts. It was wild and dangerous—exactly the sort of thing one of the McGoverns would do—but Solange didn’t care. She wanted his hands on her body, she wanted his mouth on her skin, and she wanted his cock deep inside of her, damn the consequences. She’d spent too long closed up to deny herself the sort of dazzling openness Lord Sinclair offered now.

“You’re beautiful,” he panted as he pushed her bodice off her shoulders and dropped it, and her skirts with it, to the floor. “I don’t usually fall into bed with women as fast as this, but I cannot help myself.”

His confession only served to arouse her more. “I wanted you even before I knew who you were, or weren’t,” she panted, stepping backward toward the bed as she unhooked her corset and tossed it aside.

“If you thought I was Lafarge’s son, knowing that you are Lafarge’s daughter—” he started.

She silenced him by pressing her fingertips to his lips. “We’re not. Let’s forget it was ever a consideration.”

“It’s forgotten,” he said, then captured her mouth in a searing kiss.

He tugged her chemise up over her head as she loosened her drawers and shoved them over her hips. Within seconds, they had both shed the rest of their clothes and tumbled onto the bed together. He rolled her to her back and nestled himself perfectly between her thighs.

“This is glorious,” she gasped as he brushed his fingers over her side and down to her hip. He kept going across her leg, lifting her knee and opening her wider so that he could fit himself against her.

“I was thinking the same thing,” he said.

Those were the last words either of them could manage. He kissed her long and lingeringly as his hands caressed her, then shifted to nibble his way across her neck and downward. His mouth was so eager as he reached her breast, lifting and squeezing it as he closed his mouth over her nipple, that she groaned in appreciation and squirmed against him. His tongue worked magic on her nipple, teasing it to a sensitive point and raking it with his teeth. Her whole body filled with sensation as she gave herself over to pleasure.

He didn’t stop there. With another powerful shift that showed just how strong he was and how masterful he could be, he kissed his way down her belly to Copyright 2016 - 2024