Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,97

have to move immediately.”

“Plus, you know…babies are small. How much room do they really need?”

Unable to help herself, she laughed. “Um…maybe talk to your siblings about that sometime and see what they have to say. I have a feeling you’ll find they take up more space than you think.”

“Is it crazy that I want to find out sooner rather than later?”

“I guess we can talk to them about it at the wedding without letting them know we’re engaged.”

But he was shaking his head. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what…”

“I’m thinking I’d like to find out first-hand just how much space a baby—our baby—will take up. What do you think? You up for adding a little more chaos to our lives?”

It was crazy how she didn’t even need to think about it.

“I think we should find a way to start working on that right away.” Leaning in, she kissed him.

When they broke apart, he was grinning. “Leave it to me. Since your parents are so enamored with me right now, there shouldn’t be any problem when I suggest taking you home with me tonight.”

There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he was right.

And it didn’t even bother her that her parents would know she was pretty much going home with him for the sake of sex.

“I can’t wait.”


Three months later…

“You look beautiful.”

Blushing, Haley ran her hand over her dress before smiling up at Sydney. “Thanks. I love this dress and I’m really glad Mia talked you into letting me wear it.” She and Mia were wearing matching plum-colored dresses, and while her best friend looked beyond stunning, her niece suddenly looked very grown-up.

Unable to help herself, she reached out and gently cupped Haley’s cheek. “You know, you look so much like you mom. Especially right now. And I think she would have loved seeing you all dressed up and being a bridesmaid with her.” Tears stung her eyes as she spoke and immediately saw her niece’s eyes well up. So before they both ruined their makeup, she knew she needed to lighten the mood a bit. “Although I’m sure she would have agreed with me and put you in the more modest, junior bridesmaid dress I originally picked out.”

That did the trick because Haley let out a soft snort of laughter as she shook her head. “Probably, but I would have gotten Mia to reason with her too.” They both grew silent and it was a long moment before she spoke again. “I really wish Mom was here. She used to talk about how she couldn’t wait for you to get married.”


Nodding, Haley explained, “I remember her always saying how she hoped you would see for yourself how wild marriage and kids really was.”

Her own laughter was out before she could stop it. That was such a Tracy thing to say. “Yeah, I think she was being a little snarky there. Whenever I’d talk about how hectic my life up in Boston was, she used to tell me I had no idea what hectic really was. I used to tease her that she had it easy because she had your dad there to help and then she’d laugh and laugh and laugh.”

That, in turn, made Haley grin. “She was always poking at Dad to help out with more of the everyday stuff around the house. And then when we moved here and bought the house, she used to get a little crazy because it wasn’t getting done fast enough.” She paused. “Trust me when I say that my dad was not handy like Kyle. I still can’t believe all the stuff he got done on the house.”

“He’s definitely good with his hands…”

“Ew! Aunt Syd, please!”

“What?” she said, suddenly realizing what she said and how her niece had taken it. “I meant the work he did!”

“Uh-huh. Sure.”

There was a knock at the door before Mia opened and peaked inside. “Mind if I come in?

Smiling, Sydney replied, “Of course not. Where’ve you been?”

“Out in the lobby mingling with everyone.” She smiled at Haley. “Your friend Janie and her family just showed up.”

“Cool! Aunt Syd, can I go out and say hi?”

“Of course. But don’t be too long.”

“Thanks!” she called out as she raced out the door.

“You know, you’re all giving me a lot of material to work with here,” Mia commented.

Checking her reflection in the full-length mirror, Sydney smiled. “I don’t see how. Everyone you’ve met is deliriously happy, in love, and most of them are either pregnant or trying to get Copyright 2016 - 2024