Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,45

that it was something they needed to do. But now when I think about it…if they didn’t go out that night…” She started crying in earnest again and Sydney had never felt more helpless. Her own tears started to fall, and the two of them simply clung to each other for several minutes.

“Like, I get that it wasn’t the date that killed them,” Haley said sadly, “but I can’t help but associate the two. And why are date nights so important? Why wasn’t it important for them to stay home with me? If they had, they’d still be here right now.”

“I know, Haley. But we can make ourselves crazy if we play the ‘what if’ game. What if they didn’t go out that night? What if the weather had been better? What if that other driver had been paying attention?” She sighed. “God, it keeps me up at night sometimes when I let myself go down that rabbit hole.” Squeezing Haley’s shoulder, she went on. “As for the whole date night thing, well…that’s hard to explain. It’s just something grownups need to do—go out together and just have some time to focus on each other.”

“I guess my parents didn’t want to focus on me…”

This time Sydney forced Haley to look at her. “Your parents loved you more than anything in the world! Do you know why they moved here to Magnolia?”

Haley shook her head.

“Because this was the kind of place they wanted you to grow up. This is where they both grew up and they wanted that same kind of life for you. And look at this house!”

“What about it?”

“It’s a mess, right?”

“Not right now…”

“But when they bought it and up until a month ago, it was. But your dad made sure this room and the backyard were finished first. Why? Because he wanted you to be happy and comfortable. Your parents put your needs first in so many ways, Haley. And their once-a-month date nights were something they did because…they needed to be able to focus on each other, too…to have time where it was just the two of them. I know it’s hard to understand, but taking the time to sort of step out and just be husband and wife—or a man and woman—rather than Mom and Dad, makes a huge difference in how they are as parents.”

Sydney knew she was rambling and Haley still didn’t look completely convinced.

“Okay, you know how you go to school during the week?”

She nodded.

“Monday through Friday, you’re a student. You go to school, you go to your gymnastics practice, you come home and do your homework, and what happens on the weekend?”

Shrugging, she said, “I get to just hang out at home and relax.”

“Right. You get to just be a kid with no real responsibility. Your parents spend all week long at their jobs being an employee, then they come home and have responsibilities here around the house—they’re parents to you 24/7, and they don’t really get weekends off. Do you see where I’m going with this?”


“Adults are just human, baby girl. Just like you enjoy going out with your friends and having fun, so do we. You don’t sleep over at your friends’ houses because your parents aren’t important, right?”

She nodded.

Hugging her close, Sydney kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Hales. I have since the moment your mom called and told me she was pregnant. And right now, I think we’re both just trying to figure out how to navigate our lives without your folks. It’s not easy, and we are always going to miss them and wish they were here, but you need to know that if given the chance, they would be here with you.”

“I know.” Her words were barely audible.

Together, they sat on the bed, and Sydney had no idea how much time had passed, but suddenly she heard someone walking into the house and it startled her. “Who in the world…?”

They both jumped up and walked out of the room—Sydney careful to keep Haley behind her in case someone was breaking in. Slowly, they crept down the hall and it wasn’t until she spotted Kyle carrying a large paper bag and whistling softly that she relaxed.

He spotted them and stopped mid-stride. Staring at them both warily, he held up the bag. “I know we didn’t finish dinner, but I thought we all could use some ice cream.”

Before Sydney could utter a word, Haley stepped around her and walked right up to Kyle until they Copyright 2016 - 2024