Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,20

“Honestly, that would be fantastic.” She took another step back. “I really need to get inside. Thanks, Kyle, and have a good weekend.”

“You too, Syd.”


“So I was explaining to Sydney how…you know…it’s going to take some time. There’s no way it’s going to be easy, but eventually, Haley’s going to be okay.”

Hunter looked at Violet and then at Kyle.

“I mean, we’ve all been there. Literally. It’s not something you ever get over, but there comes a point where it becomes your normal, right?”

Hunter nodded.

“You add all that to the mess with the house, and honestly, I don’t know how she’s handling it all. The place is just…” He shuddered. “It’s an outdated mess. Luckily there’s no mold or water damage, but still. I imagine she had a great place up in Boston, and it’s got to suck to move back home—especially under these circumstances.”

“Sure,” Violet said with a smirk.

“And the kid? Man, she is just a riot! You’d love her, Vi,” Kyle went on. “She’s really into gymnastics and was doing all kinds of flips and stuff all over the yard. I’m going to make her a balance beam.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t do that,” Violet said after gently wiping her mouth.

“Why not?”

“For starters, the bare wood—even if you sand it and seal it—might be a little awkward for a beginner. You can buy ones online that are padded. Personally, I’d recommend getting her an Air Track.”

“A what?”

“Air Track,” she explained. “It’s an inflatable mat you use for gymnastics or cheerleading. It’s super sturdy and it has a line down the middle that represents a balance beam. This way, she can practice without hurting herself. I don’t know if anyone’s ever mentioned it to her, but Sydney should look into it.”

“That’s awesome. Thanks!” He paused. “So what are you doing Monday afternoon?”


“Oh, yeah. Right.” He refrained from cursing because his nephew was sitting across from him making some sort of tower out of his mashed potatoes. “I thought you could maybe give Haley some pointers and meet Sydney.”

“Uh-huh,” Violet said, her smile growing. “And…why do you think I should meet her?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know…so you two could be friends?”

“Didn’t you say she grew up here in Magnolia?” Violet asked. “I doubt she lacks in the friend department.”

“Maybe,” he replied, taking another sip of his sweet tea. “I haven’t seen anyone come to the house since I’ve been there, but maybe that’s because she’s overwhelmed with it all—the mess and all. She goes out with Haley almost every day so maybe she’s meeting up with people. I’ll ask her on Monday.”

When he put his glass down, he noticed Hunter and Violet were both looking at him with amusement. “What?”

“You do realize that all you’ve done since you got here is talk about Sydney, right?” Hunter asked. “You’re normally chatty, but this is the first time you’ve talked about a woman for this long. You sure nothing’s going on with you two? Again?”

“Again?” Violet asked, clearly intrigued.

The bark of laughter was out before he knew it. “Trust me, Sydney is barely tolerating me, and she’s still harboring some issues from…well…you know.”

“Oh, God,” Violet groaned. “What did you do? Or should I ask, what did you say?”

“You mean now or back then?” Hunter asked with a low laugh.

Kyle grinned because they knew him so well, but he really didn’t want to get into his history with Sydney. “It was a little of both. Then and now.”

“I’m full,” Eli called out.

“Okay, buddy,” Violet said. “Go wash your hands.”

“Can I play with my trains?” he asked as he shimmied out of his booster seat.

“Yes,” she said, standing to help him out. “But first, wash your hands.”

“Kay!” And then he took off running from the kitchen.

“You never did talk about what exactly happened between the two of you, but I thought it was all fairly civil. Am I wrong?” Hunter asked.

“We were young and it was a really long time ago. I moved on; I assumed she did too. And, in my defense, I didn’t bring it up at all. I was there to work and was more than happy not to go there, you know?”

“So she was just openly hostile even though you were minding your own business?” Hunter asked. “Somehow I doubt that.”

“Yeah, well…there was this nickname I used to have for her and…” He shrugged.

Violet’s gaze narrowed at him “And you called her it, didn’t you?”

It wasn’t a question.

He nodded. “Yup.” Then he sighed. “When she called me out on it, I didn’t exactly…you Copyright 2016 - 2024